by Cassie | Mar 7, 2019 | For Women, Life, Podcast Episodes
Emotions are healthy when expressed in a healthy manner, but they can also reek havoc, too. We are whole people! Just as important as our physical and mental health is our emotional health. Emotions are healthy when expressed in a healthy manner, but they can also...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Jan 9, 2019 | Life
I looked around the room thinking how much solace I’d find if only I lived there. I was in the parlor of a colonial home in the mountains of Northern Virginia. I’ve been to Virginia often in the recent years visiting my daughter who went to college...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Jul 5, 2018 | Faith, For Women
In Balance, Busyness, and Not Doing It All, I wrote a chapter about Mary and Martha, and a chapter about To Do Lists. The tension between being all to everyone and being who God created us to be, in relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ, is a real battle....
by Brenda L. Yoder | Jan 18, 2018 | Faith
I remember telling God I couldn’t let go of that inner part. It was the part of me I’d been protecting for twenty-five years, since I first realized my soul needed protecting at age 14. For me, an eating disorder, body image, and food protected my...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Dec 26, 2017 | Faith, Life
Fledging your kids, whether they are 5, 25, or 50, means making the most of small moments. I’m excited for Kim Chaffin to share a story from her new book Simply Blessed and to host a give away of a copy of it! Comment at the end of the story about a small moment...