16 Year Old Boy and The List

16 Year Old Boy and The List

This article is reposted from one of my earlier blogging days.   I just sent my 16 year old boy out the door with his 12 year old brother to get “groceries.” 16 year old just got his license two days ago. On the list:  Drive to the grocery store.  Buy pop,...
Sometimes Being Weird Is The Best I Can Do

Sometimes Being Weird Is The Best I Can Do

The summer’s gone, another school year begins. As an educator and counselor, my life revolves around summer vacations and the school calendar. And this summer was the weirdest ever. I’ll be honest. I’ve been extra irritable. I even “lost it”a few times. “Losing...
The Notecard Series. Stains and All.

The Notecard Series. Stains and All.

This summer we moved desks around. In the process, I found three spiral bound notecard units.  I knew what they were.  When I was a young wife and mother, I made my own devotional by purchasing blank notecards on a spiral tab.  On these blank note cards, I wrote...
Effective Parenting & the Art Of Making Jello

Effective Parenting & the Art Of Making Jello

When I make Jello, I feel like Betty Crocker.  That’s an oxymoron, but let me explain. Making Jello is probably the simplest food to make.  But it requires patience and forethought.  When making Jello, it takes time to “set up.”   Even the “quick...

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