When You’ll Be Fine is the Wrong Answer

When You’ll Be Fine is the Wrong Answer

I’m afraid, she said. I’m anxious something will go wrong. Will you pray with me? Though I knew Moriah’s fears were unlikely to be realized, I hesitated to persuade her otherwise. What she needed in the moment wasn’t a “you’ll be...
Handling Mom Pain on Mother’s Day

Handling Mom Pain on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can be hard amidst the flowers and cards. A day that’s supposed to be filled with happiness and joy may be full of grief, sadness, and loss. I’m going to call this unique hurt Mom Pain. Mom pain isn’t widely discussed. Facebook or...
5 Truths When Life is Hard

5 Truths When Life is Hard

“And the Lord gave the people favor in sight of the Egyptians.” Exodus 11:3 Have you ever wondered why God allows hardship? You obey God in a situation or relationship, yet things get worse. You surrender your life or relationship to Him, yet things get...
5 Truths about Living in the Presence of I Am

5 Truths about Living in the Presence of I Am

“What shall I say to them? And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM…..and this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial to all generations.” Genesis 3:14-15 Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Malachi 3:6 says, “I...

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