by Brenda L. Yoder | Sep 24, 2019 | Faith
A Letter from Me Dear Readers, The blog’s been quiet. My social media postings have been less frequent. The podcast is in between seasons. Things are quiet, and quiet is good. I’ll be honest. The spaces of quiet aren’t luxurious. They aren’t...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Nov 11, 2015 | For Women, Life
Dear Friend, I’m jealous of you. Not all the time, but this time of year especially. When I go in the stores with all of the things I want, you come to mind. You’ve got a bigger house with lots of rooms to decorate and have space for the cool things...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Aug 25, 2015 | Faith, For Women
The following is a guest post by author Heather Gillis. She’s a new friend I met at the Speak Up Conference 2015. I’ve asked her to share about her beyond-the-storybook-image mom story, which is filled with hope. Comment on the story below to enter a...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Mar 28, 2015 | Faith
She had every reason to be a mess. She was one of two wives (every girl’s dream). The other wife was her enemy. Scripture even says so (1 Samuel 1:7). Her rival provoked her and intentionally bullied her. Women do that sort of thing. If that wasn’t bad...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Oct 17, 2014 | Faith
Life beyond the picket fence isn’t just a ministry, it’s life – not the Instagram or Facebook kind, but the one you and I live that’s not the storybook image. The one that leaves a hole in your heart where pain, sadness, or loss resides. Do you...