by Brenda L. Yoder | Jan 18, 2018 | Faith
I remember telling God I couldn’t let go of that inner part. It was the part of me I’d been protecting for twenty-five years, since I first realized my soul needed protecting at age 14. For me, an eating disorder, body image, and food protected my...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Jul 7, 2017 | Life
With today’s technology, it’s easy to do laundry without effort. You put clothes in a machine, turn a dial, and press a button. Going to my child’s bedroom requires more work than that. It’s a simple process. One Sunday after returning home from a family vacation, I...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Mar 19, 2015 | Faith
Once we returned from a family trip in the wee hours on a Sunday morning. After attending church and eating a good meal, we spent the majority of the afternoon relaxing, what we normally do on Sundays. A day of rest. A day set aside for worship. A day different from...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Feb 18, 2015 | Encouragement, Faith
I’m excited to share Laurie Whitesel’s work with you as part of the #LIVE2015 series, in addition to a giveaway of her new book, “What’s Right Here.” I’ll be sending it to one of you! To enter the giveaway, just email...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Nov 30, 2014 | Faith
Another holiday has come and gone. A good holiday. One full of gratitude, family, and thanksgiving. How was your holiday? I hope it was a day on which you could give thanks. The holiday season usually causes me angst. I like the lights of Christmas, but I don’t...