Preparing Your Child to Fledge

Preparing Your Child to Fledge

I sat on my porch swing taking in the day I hoped would never end. The sun was on its way down behind the trees. The flowers were bright and a breeze was on my cheek. Another Sunday was gone, another week came to an end. So predictable, yet so different. Up until then...
Caught Between Tired and Tears

Caught Between Tired and Tears

The man remarked on my overflowing grocery cart. I carefully maneuvered to the checkout line, hoping something wouldn’t fall off. “I used to do this every week,” I replied matter-of-factly. I’m still thankful I get to grocery shop alone,...
10 Ways Parents Sin by Idolizing Children

10 Ways Parents Sin by Idolizing Children

“You honor your sons more than me…” 1 Samuel 2:29b God’s word is complete for parenting. Even in 2022. 1 Samuel shares a principle parents of teens need to hear: Do you honor your children more than God? It’s an eye-opening question. You strive to raise good kids. You...
Handling Mom Pain on Mother’s Day

Handling Mom Pain on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can be hard amidst the flowers and cards. A day that’s supposed to be filled with happiness and joy may be full of grief, sadness, and loss. I’m going to call this unique hurt Mom Pain. Mom pain isn’t widely discussed. Facebook or...

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