by Brenda L. Yoder | Mar 18, 2021 | Coaching, Faith, Life
People will fail you, but God never will. I said this to a friend when she sought my advice. I feared I would fail her because I knew my limitations, and she had already been betrayed and disappointment by so many people. I knew if she sought God over me, He...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Feb 1, 2021 | Encouragement, Life
Anger is an emotion I’ve struggled with over my lifetime. As a child, I got angry when I didn’t feel heard, when I felt no one took me seriously, or when my feelings weren’t validated. As the youngest, the way I got my voice heard was when I yelled...
by Cassie | Mar 25, 2020 | Encouragement, Parenting, Podcast Episodes
The last few weeks have been tough waters to navigate, friends! Please let us know how we can pray for you during the Stay at Home COVID 19 crisis! We continue with our series Valuing Motherhood during this time to bring encouragement, support, and some normalcy to...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Oct 16, 2019 | Life
“Don’t save up love like you’re trying to retire on it. Give it away like you’re made of the stuff,” Bob Goff. Have you ever been in a room of people and felt alone? You look around and your heart longs for someone to see you. Not because you’re selfish or prideful,...
by Brenda L. Yoder | Jan 13, 2017 | Life
There are times God’s goodness is simple. And real. And overwhelming. This morning I woke up in my bed at a place called home. A place I take for granted. “Thank God if your kids are in your beds each night” I told the women I spoke to this weekend...