Got Balance?

Moms, are you busy, tired and wondering how to balance all of your responsibilities? Brenda encourages moms to find balance and wholeness in the busyness and stress of being a mom in a specific women’s retreat, Balance, Busyness and Not Doing It All. Brenda’s done this conference for moms in a variety of settings. She’d love to share with your mom’s or women’s groups! 
Topics: Retreat topics include self-care and Christ-centered balance, balancing the roles of being wife and mom, keeping order without losing your mind, and finding balance in wholeness.
Retreat attendees will receive a free ebook from Brenda, “10 Ways For Busy Moms To Find Rest” and a discount on her upcoming book, “Magnified, Finding God’s Best In Busyness“ to be released this spring.
What people are saying
“I wanted to take the time to thank you so much for taking time out of your hectic schedule to bless each of us moms that attended your retreat. It was reassuring and confirming to me that I’m not alone in this journey called motherhood. Thank You all those doubts and negative thoughts only I thought I had are now transformed into a more positive outlook.” – Conference attendee
Over 100 women from our church, Zionsville Presbyterian Church, were able to spend an amazing day with Brenda learning about balancing our lives. Brenda shared life lessons and biblical messages about how to find balance in our lives as mothers, wives, within ourselves, and daughters of Christ. The most memorable part of the day was Brenda’s authentic personal stories that each one of us could relate to as women trying to do it all! She gave practical tips for balancing motherhood, our marriage, and ourselves. The most important take-away of the retreat was always placing Jesus first. It was a day full of insight and important reminders. – Lynn Streuh
If you’d like to bring this retreat to your group, contact Brenda here or at