Blurred Lines: Being Real in an Artificial World

Blurred Lines: Being Real in an Artificial WorldBlurred Lines Seminar

Teens receive confusing messages in today’s culture from peers, family, and media about who they should be instead of who God’s created them to be. In their selfie-generation, it’s increasingly hard to be yourself when reality is staged through social media and technology. In this seminar, Brenda equips teens to find their Christ-centered identity, arming them with confidence in who they are, not in who others think they should be.

Blurred Lines: Being Real in an Artificial World” has reached standing room only crowds from Iowa to Kansas City, MO. The message is universal for an all-girl retreat, but also to youth groups of mixed gender.

The Blurred Lines seminar is unlike any other youth message. Brenda engages teens to articulSCULPTURE & ARTate various messages they receive about identity, and proceeds to help youth personalize their strengths. She honestly presents 10 ways teens and young adults can authentically live their Christ-centered identity in an increasingly sexualized, socialized, and self-centered world.

Her resource for teen girls, “Who Do You Say I Am” is found here.

If you’d like to bring this conference to your church, school, or area, contact Brenda at

“My daughter felt connected to what you are saying…”

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