It seems like forever since I’ve posted. It’s been one of those weeks. Do you have weeks like that?
This past weekend my husband and I traveled 22 hours to be with our daughter for 36 hours, moving her into her new apartment three states away. She’s a junior in college. During her Christmas break, she flew from the Back Forty to Guatemala and back to her university only to begin classes the next day. She moved in with new roommates but only had a bed and her dorm paraphernalia. She tweeted this morning about homesickness, and this is all part of releasing and letting go. She is called to overseas mission work when she graduates, and we know this “all” is part of the process. But it’s never easy.
Wednesday I found out I have a torn meniscus, a torn ACL, and a possible compression fracture in my right knee. It’s the result of a staff-student basketball game I participated in on December 19 where I twisted my knee while guarding a 6th grade girl. Thank goodness for worker’s compensation insurance. I’ll find out next week the course of action for treatment. So that knee-brace in the Mustang? I guess it’s for real. Expect for the Mustang. So much for my basketball career.
But basketball is what keeps me busy this day. My two oldest boys play varsity and junior varsity basketball in a state and school where basketball is King and the weekend entertainment for the county. Everyone comes out to watch basketball year after year, it’s talked about in the coffee shops, and it’s finally our turn to be in the Starting Five. If you’re familiar with Hoosiers, that’s our town.
Our youngest son is staring as Edmond in the high school production of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe next weekend. This is quite an honor since he is just in 6th grade. This is our non-basketball playing son, and it’s a joy to see him excel and the gifts God has given Him.
Being youth group sponsors, we’ll have junior high kids at our house for the Superbowl. That’s all I have to say about that.
That’s life this week at the Yoder camp. Nothing inspirational today, just a chat over my morning cup of coffee at 5:00 -am while Hubby is driving in blizzardy-conditions to play basketball with a few other oldies. He does this every Friday morning before school. He’s one of the Hall of Famer’s in our little town’s basketball Hall of Fame that exists in the minds of everyone who’s watched Westview basketball for forty-plus years. He can still “shoot a three” and blow people out of the water. Yes, I still feel like a school girl with a crush on him when I say that. And yes, I cheered on the side lines. Not in a knee brace.
I am posting at Not Alone Mom today, so about mid-morning, check that out. Contributing writers are writing about love in February. Today’s post is Loving and Leaving Alone, reflections on the teenage journey.
This weekend, don’t miss Candi’s inspirational story that I’ll be posting here. She’ll share about overcoming an addiction with prescription drugs and alcohol and the pieces that played into “getting hooked” as a young mom. What a privilege to share that.
I’m sharing a few blogs I’ve been blessed by reading:
Morning Story and Dilbert (you have to read today’s post)
I believe in these writers and their efforts in blogging world.
Also, if you haven’t joined Life Beyond the Picket Fence on Facebook, I’d love to have to visit. We are almost at the “100” mark, so I’m giving away a CD of beautiful piano music by a friend, Heather Streeval, who just made her first recording, to the 100th “friend.” She plays “by ear” I love this CD and want to give it to one of you!
Have a great Friday! I’d love to hear how your week has gone. How can I pray for you? And please take the time to read Candi’s story this weekend – you won’t want to miss it!
My love to you In Him,
Brenda, I just read this and found out about your injury. I’ll be interested in knowing treatment, etc. Keep me posted. Marian