Crossing the Bridge to a Strong Empty Nest

Crossing the Bridge to a Strong Empty Nest

In April, our youngest of four children graduated from college. He was a brand-new dad, with a child born to his wife six weeks before. That graduation day, more so than his wedding day or the birth of his son, was a mile marker for me as a mom who started releasing...
20 Truths about Your Kids Growing Up

20 Truths about Your Kids Growing Up

I checked my phone in the middle of the night. There were only social media and email notifications. Not what I was looking for. What I was looking for was a “Thanks, Mom, I love you,” or at least an “I love you, too” from my older kids no...
Timeless Advice for Raising Grateful Kids

Timeless Advice for Raising Grateful Kids

Teaching children to be grateful is essential in today’s nefarious culture. It’s an uncomplicated skill that will benefit them throughout their lives. Here is timeless advice on how you can raise grateful kids.   Assign Regular Chores Assigning regular...
Teaching Kids about Life and Death

Teaching Kids about Life and Death

We had newborn fainting goats born at Picket Fence Farm during the week of Thanksgiving. Baby goats are some of the cutest animals. They are not wobbly and scrawny like calves and are just the right size to be deemed adorable. It’s not uncommon for goats to have...
Preparing Your Child to Fledge

Preparing Your Child to Fledge

I sat on my porch swing taking in the day I hoped would never end. The sun was on its way down behind the trees. The flowers were bright and a breeze was on my cheek. Another Sunday was gone, another week came to an end. So predictable, yet so different. Up until then...

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