To my children entering the world of adulthood – I recently wondered what I haven’t taught you. So here’s my non-exhaustive list of things I want you to know.
- Be as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove {Matthew 10:16}. Use common sense when dealing with people, institutions, and situations. When in doubt, trust your gut.
- Don’t use a Pampered Chef stone on an open flame. It will break.
- Cleaning up after yourself right away will save you a lot of dread of doing bigger jobs later.
- Don’t give out your personal information to anyone unless you need to for business, professional, or personal reasons.
- Disable the GPS tracking on your smartphone when you finally can afford one on your own since we have deprived you of this luxury.
- Be kind to everyone but you don’t have to be their friend if they are not healthy or appropriate to be in a relationship with you.
- You can buy potatoes, beans, corn and tomatoes in a store. Not everyone has a garden.
- Pay your bills on time and don’t carry credit card debt.
- Watch for hidden fees in business transactions. You don’t need “all the extras.”
- If it’s too good to be true, it is. Unless it’s answer to a specific prayer and you’ve checked it out with God first.
- Pray every day and be in God’s word as often as you can.
- Consult with God about your daily decisions.
- If it doesn’t feel right, wait, or don’t do it.
- Don’t buy meat from Walmart.
- First impressions really do matter.
- Budget for your necessities first and make sure you can pay for them. Get necessary debt paid off as soon as possible.
- Stay away from people with bad pick-up lines. Or good pick-up lines unless you want to have sex with them.
- Don’t have sex with anyone with consulting God first. He does have something to say about it. If you’re serious about your relationship with Him, you can’t ignore this area.
- Open the door for others.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks.
- Don’t take stupid risks. Have common sense {see #1)
- Build relationships with your siblings. You have relationships with them for life. See them as adults, not as who they were as kids. Don’t hold grudges.
- Find a church you feel comfortable in, but don’t stay away until you find “the right one.”
- Keep in touch with your grandparents.
- Don’t say display anything on Twitter or Facebook you wouldn’t want a future boss, spouse, or mother-in-law to see.
- Don’t throw credit card receipts or statements with personal information in the trash no matter where you live.
- Don’t get into a car with a stranger.
- If you can’t find a job, McDonalds is always hiring.
- Marriage is hard work. Don’t think you can change anybody but yourself.
- Extend grace to others.
- Don’t judge people who were not raised like you.
- Don’t expect your future spouse to be like me or your dad.
- Earn your way in life but give to others and graciously receive when something is given to you.
- Air-dry any clothes you don’t want to shrink or look worn.
- Clothes pins can be found at a hardware store.
- You can’t microwave anything with metal.
- You need to brown a roast before putting it in the oven or crockpot.
- Kids are cute but don’t have them before you are ready to give up your time and energy to someone else.
- Worship God no matter what the circumstance.
- Cheap food is not always the healthiest.
- You need life insurance, car insurance, and renter’s or home-owner’s insurance.
- Be cautious when walking in dark hallways. Park under lights in a parking lot at night.
- Be generous with kind words as long as they are genuine.
- Don’t order things from TV advertisements.
- Cheap is not always better.
- Expensive is not always quality.
- Go to a doctor when you think you need to.
- You can learn to do just about anything. Most of what your dad and I know we didn’t know when we were your age.
- Don’t be afraid to try new things.
- Your way is not the only way.
That’s all for now. I love you,
Love it! Printing off a list for my boys. I learned a thing or two, as well — I’ve never tried the Pampered Chef on flame thing! You saved my pizza stone 🙂
Great list Brenda. I laughed out loud at #14! (I avoid buying anything there.)
This is awesome!!!!
I loved it. Everything is right on and very true.
These are great! I think I’ll print it off for my daughter. I’ve covered a lot of these, but not all. I always tell my daughter – and honestly, some of the 20-somethings I try to advise – I am not smarter than you, I have just been on this planet a whole lot longer, therefore have had more experiences! (or, screw-ups, lol)