Guest Posts, Angry Moms, and God’s Grace

Jun 26, 2014 | Parenting

I’m guest posting this week on motherhood with ministry partners at iwokeupyesterday and with Jenny Sulpizio, author of Confessions of A Wonderwoman Wannabe.

First I’m sharing “To Angry, Irritated, Frustrated Moms, You’re Not Alone!” at  Here’s an excerpt:

“Bad mom” echoed in my head. What am I doing wrong?

I was angry and ashamed.

Have you ever felt that way?

Does the behavior of your kids bring out the worst in you? Do you ever feel like a failure not only because of your child’s behavior but also because of your feelings in the moment? Moms aren’t supposed to be angry or have negative feelings.

(But some of us feel that way, right?)

Read the rest of the story here.

Secondly, I’m sharing “Why You Need To Let God Catch You with the great gals at,  An excerpt is below.

I often share my “angry mom story”with groups of women and moms. It’s a story of my faith journey when the storybook image came crashing down.  A journey of perseverance and surrender instead of giving up.  It’s the hope I have in a living Lord who restores, redeems, and came after me.

Do you need hope that God loves you and is willing to come after you?

Several years ago, I found myself running from the God I love.

And as I ran, He pursued. He came after me.

When I gave up my fight against myself and Him, He brought me where He wants me to be.

Read the rest of the story here

Both of these posts share parts of my testimony and story of God’s grace changed my behavior when I was destroying our family. It’s a story I’ve shared a lot recently as I’ve traveled to Indianapolis and Cincinnati, Ohio, sharing with several women’s groups.

Please read the posts and share them with moms you know might need encouragement.

During these busy summer months, I’m wondering how have you been encouraged?


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