Do You Need Balance? I Really, Really Do

Mar 1, 2014 | Faith, For Women, Parenting

You have to practice what you preach, so the saying goes. So I’ve been practicing what I preach – that’s why I’ve been absent from the blog the last two weeks. Three weeks from today, I’ll be teaching on Balance, Busyness and Not Doing It All. Personal balance requires doing what’s most important at the time and not trying to do everything when there’s too much to do. So I’d be lying to you if I had tried to do everything that’s been packed into my life the last two weeks.

  • A trip to Pensacola, FL, to speak on prayer at the ARISE conference (driving 28 hours in 3 days because flights were undependable). More details here.

    Highlights from the ARISE conference

    Highlights from the ARISE conference

  • Ministering to moms in powerful ways through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
  • Speaking to a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group in Indianapolis.
  • Working twenty-five hours a week at my “real job” as an intermediate school counselor.
  • Seeing clients privately as a Christian counselor.
  • Attending theater productions and multiple varsity basketball games of my younger sons.
  • Visiting with my daughter via Skype conversations while she’s in Guatemala, often into the wee hours of night.
  • Preparing for and teaching a parenting series at our church.
  • Meeting writing deadlines.
  • Preparing for the retreat.
  • Laundry, dinner, remaining somewhat insane.

There are times and seasons that demand more of our time. Certain weeks, we have to let some things go. On top of all of these things, I haven’t posted here. I told myself none of you were waiting breathlessly for my next post. But my kids needed their mom to be present with them. I needed to save money by cooking from scratch rather than buying ready-made food that would have made life easier. I had to say no to people and opportunities because I wasn’t the only who could meet their needs. I can’t do it all, and neither should you.

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to keep your head above water? I used to live that way all the time. This week reminded me there are seasons it’s okay to live that way, but it shouldn’t be a lifestyle. There are times to say “Yes” to important things, “No” or “Maybe” to things other people can do. There are only a few things you can do that no one else can, and balance is found in not doing everything there is to do – only the things that are unique to you, things that fill you up instead of deplete everything from you. This includes time with God.

Jesus took time away. He modeled for us how to retreat when pressures and people push in around us.

“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.” Matthew 6:6  The Message

Finding balance in busyness lies in saying yes to what’s most important in the moment. This week, that was time with my kids, husband, and meeting the “have-to’s” with grace and peace. If you don’t have grace or peace in your busyness, take a step back, re-asses, and consider this:

As overabundance of commitments and involvements actually tires us and drains the meaning out of even the riches experiences. Simply paring down the number of things that draw on our time and energy gives us a heightened excitement and a deep caring from the select few that remain.” Claire Clonneger

If you need rest, take it now. Steal away a few minutes. Shut a door, lay down, and breathe. Talk to God about your cares, ask Him to give you perspective, then let your body rest.

If you need even more time away, we’d love to have you join us at the Got Balance retreat on March 22. You’ll receive both practical and spiritual tips for finding balance in the midst of busyness. You will be blessed during this day just for moms – let us pamper you, bless you and help you find rest. Plus, we have lots of fun things to give away! More information can be found here, and tickets can be purchased here.

Retreat Give-Aways for busy moms. Join us!

Retreat Give-Aways for busy moms. Join us!

So how can I pray for you this week? How do you find rest and balance in busy, busy weeks? We’d love to hear.



Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Amelia Rhodes

    My kids had a half day today, and that half of it we did nothing. Vegged. And I turned off the voice telling me I should be doing something else. Praying for you and your retreat!!

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