Balancing Priorities: Weekly Post

Mar 16, 2013 | For Women, Parenting

Every Friday I post at Not Alone Mom, a ministry of encouragement for mothers.  This month we are focusing on f75b3c446c6be3e5efbc9e360ec7d6df“Spring Cleaning” – rest and renewal.  Visit my post here about the age old struggle women have in balancing priorities – and the spiritual dilemma of Mary vs. Martha.

Thank you for those who prayed this week as I shared my “angry mom” story of Hope Beyond the Picket Fence with women in mid-Michigan.  I’m amazed at the common experiences women of all ages – young and old – have when it comes to the challenges of mothering.  There are many women with broken hearts and struggle.  It’s a privilege to share encouragement and hope with women.

I’m still resting in silence.  It’s been a full, busy, emotional week and we will be mourning and celebrating life all at the same time this week in the midst of a busy family schedule.

I hope you are able to rest in silence, too, whether in “real time” or in your spirit.

I read this verse in my quiet time today:

“Much dreaming and many words are meaningless.  Therefore, stand in awe of God.” Ecclesiastes 5:7 (NIV)

May you stand in awe of God today in rest and silence of soul.


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Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


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