What It’s About

Feb 22, 2010 | Faith

                 This spot in cyberspace is devoted to girls…eh, women….who need a place to rest, explore, be real, wrestle, and laugh.  After all the exploring and wrestling, a girl’s gotta laugh, sit in her pajamas, and hang out with other girls who need the same thing – a place to be real, safe, with no strings attached.
                 I don’t have much to offer other than I’m a fellow girl, a woman on a journey who doesn’t have it all figured out, but who has wrestled with too many things alone. I find the journey is much more pleasant when there are other women I can talk out loud to and be real with, be safe with, who will listen and be honest.  Fellowshipping with women who will sharpen each other, push each other to seek the Lord’s face and His truth, not religion, doctrine or theology, but the Lord and His word.
                  So, welcome, girls! Feel free to share your thoughts, questions for each other, where you are. If you need vent, feel free, knowing that God already knows our thoughts.  If you need to cry, we’re here.  There’s no curfew  and no kids to interrupt.

Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 

1 Comment

  1. aleigh

    I love it. Indeed, it is a journey, and the walk is meant to be shared. Thanks for this.

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