The Need

Sep 15, 2010 | Faith


This word describes most people I am presently working with.  They are all women, and they are needy.  Emotional needy, spiritually needy, financially needy.

In my present nature of work, I cannot readily prayer with them, but I am learning to pray for them.  


At least that is what I thought until I read Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle.  After reading the work of prayer in his church’s ministry, and the manner at which he and his parishioners pray, I am rather ashamed at my, “Please Lord” prayers.

Jim says, “Prayer cannot truly be taught by principles, seminars, and symposiums.  It has to be born out of a whole environment of felt need.” (p. 49)

Reading more of his story, a simple story of need, prayer, and God answering, need, prayer and God answering, I have been challenged even more to pray on behalf of other’s needs.

And my own.  I’m challenged by why most churches don’t pray and see results like those accounted for in Brooklyn.  I wonder if it comes back to need.  Are we American Christians needy?

Do we allow ourselves to be needy?

Do we allow ourselves to be fully dependent on God?

Do we miss God’s work because we take care of ourselves (too much?)

These questions challenge me.

I want more of God, even if that means I become more needy.

But then, He calls us to die to self, then we can truly follow Him.

Oh, Father, I need you.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 

1 Comment

  1. Heal The Healer

    Plenty of questions we had but one thing is for sure, God has always been there for us. If we want more God, then we need to be a good samaritan for all.

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