Pray A to Z for Your Community & Giveaway

Dec 8, 2016 | Faith

I first wrote about bullying for the Pray A to Z project when it was a blog series of my amelia rhodes author friend Amelia Rhodes. Amelia was burdened by things happening in her community and was prompted to pray. She was prompted to do even more because she was challenged in her own prayer life.

She’s real, like us. So she prayed, pursued, and the new book, Pray A to Z, was born.

You need this book. Our country needs this book. We all need this book.

Because each of these topics involves someone we know. Pray A to Z covers topics in our community that are present but we don’t think about or talk about unless it’s in our face. Eating disorders. Estranged Relationships. Mental Illness. Pray A to Z gives each reader the ability to pray about things for which you don’t know how to pray.

pray a to z

The book also gives hope. If focuses on praise and attributes of Christ who is the Hope to our prayers. It gives encouragement to anyone who’s weary or discouraged at the current culture. It’s a practical guide to be engaged and empowered through prayer.

As a therapist, I also affirm the breadth and depth of topics covered in Pray A to Z. Amelia covers things in a way that invites an onlooker into the pain experienced by a variety of life conditions. Get a copy. Share it with your friends. Use it with your kids, bible study, or small group.

Click on the link below and one of YOU can enter to win a copy!

Buy the book. Then, connect with Amelia at her blog, on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 
Because you will love her. 
Amelia Rhodes is a speaker and author of Isn’t It Time for a Coffee Break: Doing Life Together in an All-About-Me Kind of World. Amelia’s writing has also been featured in four Chicken Soup for the Soul titles, devotionals for the OneHope blog Undeterred and the international devotional Upper Room. Amelia has a growing speaking ministry and speaks regularly to women’s groups on topics of spiritual growth, friendship, and community, offering practical tools for living our faith in the everyday. She lives in Lowell, Michigan.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Lisa Littlewood

    Great post, Brenda! Speaking of prayer, I’ve been praying for you and your family, especially during this hard Christmas time after the loss of your father in law. I hope you are well and have a beautiful Christmas season.

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      Thank you so much Lisa! Blessings to you and your family as well!

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