Three years ago Life Beyond the Picket Fence was developed because my dream of a picket-fence life was shattered.” I was a woman wrestling with life, people, faith, God, and myself. I wondered if there were any other women out there who were wresting, too, whose lives were messy, beyond the picket-fence-image.
I needed a safe place to be real.
Since then, lots of women have joined me in the journey Beyond the Picket Fence.
I’ve grown more comfortable sharing a messy life. I’ve grown in my understanding of a redemptive and gracious God. I’ve grown in allowing the Gardener to prune, weed out, water, and do His work so fruit is produced.
I’ve been humbled at the opportunity to call myself a disciple of the Most High God.
In Victorian times, an open screen door on a porch meant there was an open invitation for someone to come and visit.
So, here is the open door at this Life Beyond the Picket Fence.
Come in, sit with me, and chat a while.
It’s safe here. I’ll be real with you, and I hope you feel free being authentic and real with me and those who also visit.
If you feel comfortable, leave your calling card (another Victorian custom, the forerunner of business cards) through a comment, subscribing, on Facebook or Twitter. I’d love to hear from you.
In His love,