Heaven on Earth

Aug 20, 2010 | Faith

Friends are one of the greatest blessings this side of heaven.

This is what I thought the other day as I walked away from time with a friend.
A friend who knows you well, yet encourages you in the Lord.
A friend who knows nothing of competition, jealousies or other girl drama.
A friend who knows the Lord so sweetly that  time with them is like conversing with the Lord.

I wondered as I walked away that heaven must be a small glimpse of what I just experienced.

Complete, unconditional love and acceptance, encouragement, and joy.
Unselfishness and pure motives.

What a blessing the Lord gave me that day, and spurs me to be that to others.

What a difference the Church would look like if all our relationships reflected these qualities.

It would truly be heaven on earth.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Janette@Janette's Sage

    What a blessing….and I am so glad He gives us those glimpses…it allows us to look forward to heaven also…while still bringing heaven here on earth with our relationshipsBlessings on your counseling this year…I have a precious friend from elementary school who does that also and I love hearing how God uses her.

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