“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on until the day of completion in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6
This verse went over and over in my mind the other day as I sat with someone who had screwed up. I ached for them because I know about screwing up. As a teenager and even an adult, there have been several times when I have been in deep need of a rewind button. Sitting with yourself knowing you’ve made mistakes is not an encouraging place to be.
As a began to pray for this person, a song by Steve Green kept playing in my head, and it brought Phil. 1:6 to mind. I prayed this promise over this person, declaring the hope that while confession, forgiveness and repentance are necessary in moving past screw ups, the hope lies in Paul’s words.
He Who Began a Good Work
The God of Heaven began a good work in you.
He is continuing to do it
He is still in the process of doing it
And He will continue to do it
until you meet Jesus.
He is working good in you, today.
Maybe you needed to hear that today, too. I know I do. Being reminded of screw ups and good works has been a good reminder this week of just how human we are, and how great our God is.
Steve Green – He Who Began a Good Work in You.
Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life
Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.
Hi Brenda,I want that "rewind button!" Way too many times I could have used it…That is a comforting verse to know God will complete the good work He has began in us.Thank you for your visit and comments on my blog, they are much appreciated. May God bless you,Ken
Hi Brenda,What a sweet reminder! 🙂 Isn't it such a blessing knowing that with God's good grace we are forgiven! I also like Philippians 3:13-15 "I am focusing all my energies on this one thing; forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. Let's keep focused on that goal, those of us that want everything God has for us." I have shared this loving verse many times. :)Blessings and love!Denise
Lovely post Brenda! I did need to be reminded of that today. So glad I stumbled upon your blog. I'm your newest follower! Would love for you to check out my devotional site too. Blessings!