Friday Chat: Piecing, Publishing, and Pouring Out

Apr 19, 2013 | Faith

Friday ChatFridays are busy days in the other parts of the ministry at Life Beyond the Picket Fence, especially today. Just a quick Friday Chat about what’s happening here.

This weeks’ posts at Parents Space include:

Today’s post at Not Alone Mom should be posted by 12:00 EST.

Yesterday I received my third published article (in print)! I will be in the August 2013 edition of The Purpose, a devotional magazine of the denomination I attend.   “I learned God is present in the simplest and most humble places, like scrubbing the floor of a drug addict.”  

A Dirty Kitchen Floor, The Purpose

Today I’m putting the final touches on a retreat I’m doing for young moms tomorrow.  “Clean Up My Mess” Retreat includes:

  • Measuring Up – Looking at the “measuring tools” women have for themselves and how we measure ourselves against other, and the rest that comes in measuring ourselves by God’s standards for us.
  • The Balancing Act – Looking at how women struggle with balance in our lives, from the roles we fulfill, to the practical things we have to do, and the struggle between being “Martha or Mary.”
  • Pouring Out – Looking at forgiveness of self and others and the essentials of living a grace-filled life so we can pour into others the fullness of Jesus Christ and His love.

Here are some fun giveaways I’ll have for the day, each one connected to the sessions, of course!

photo (68)

Thank you for your prayers as women receive encouragement tomorrow!

Today I’m also speaking to a 5th grade classroom on the Constitution. Love to still teach History!

On a personal note, I’ve been working on a “t-shirt quilt” for my son who’s graduating in May – I’m at the piecing stage.  This is what my living room floor looks like!

T-shirt Quilt in process

I hope each one of you has a great weekend!

In His love,

my signature


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Lynn

    Excited to spend the day with you tomorrow! Safe travels to Zionsville!

  2. Marian Byrnes

    Praying for you today as you allow the Holy Spirit to speak and act through you!

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