Declaring What the Lord has Done

Sep 3, 2012 | Faith

“On this day, tell your son, I do this because of what the Lord did for me.”    Exodus 13:8

What are the things the Lord has done for you?

Last spring, I shared what the Lord had done for me in overcoming an eating disorder with area youth groups.  At home afterwards, I asked one of my sons if he I had any questions about it.  He said, “I didn’t know any of that.”

I was shocked, realizing something so much apart of my life was not known by my own child.  It’s good I’ve lived victoriously in front of him, but I was challenged that he didn’t know this significant story of God’s work in my life.

It’s important to tell others 
what God has done for us.

Today in my quiet time, the passage above from Exodus 13  challenged me.  The children of Israel saw amazing things happen in their Exodus story.  The plagues, firstborn children and livestock dying and themselves being spared.  What a testimony of the living Lord!  God wanted them to declare it.

Going back to hard places is painful.  As I put my journey to to words, it was difficult.  It put me back as a teenager and young adult feeling emotions and pain like it was yesterday.  But as I communicated the role of my Savior in the process, it was cleansing, strengthening, and powerful.  It felt right to declare the tangible power and presence of God, sharing practical choices I’ve made to be healed.  Choices I’ve daily lived since.

In the early church, Christians were marked by eye witness accounts of the Savior.  Now, we’re identified by what church we go to or the theology we hold.  I wonder what power of the Holy Spirit would be released if we became more fluent in sharing what the Lord has done for us.  It doesn’t have to be to  a youth group or from a podium, we can start with our children, or family, co-workers or friends.

What has the Lord done for you even today?

For me, He’s provided a verse challenging me to commemorate His work in my life, to share things daily with my children that are of Him.

He’s provided a new day of hope, full of mercies I can accept because yesterday I wallowed in self pity and frustration.

God doesn’t perform the miracles today
like the Israelites saw, 
or does He?   
How has He passed over your home sparing spiritual death and destruction?
How has He kept you physically, emotionally, or spiritually safe?  
How has He provided for you in the journey set before you?

If He has provided in these ways, He still is performing mighty works.  Works worthwhile to be told, for His honor and glory and for the encouragement of others.

The more I share what God has done for me, 

the less I’m aware of me
and the more aware I am of Him. 

Today, I’m wondering who needs to hear 
what God has done for you? 

Will you be willing to share, for His honor and glory?

I would love to hear about it here, too!

Lord, Jesus, equip us with words to convey what you have done for us.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Julie@comehaveapeace

    It's so good to visit your blog home, Brenda. Thanks so much for what you shared. That's a great challenge to keep before ourselves as moms at all times. We just can't assume that our children and others know of God's wonderful works in. Several years ago, I wrote a copy of our family history (just for our family), because I really wanted our kids to know what our heritage without Christ looks like. I wanted them to see that it's only Jesus that makes us different, that began a new direction for our family legacy. I need to remember "on this day" is everyday!

  2. Denise

    Hi Brenda,I love "the less I'm aware of me and the more aware I am of Him." I try and focus on His everyday blessings (started a journal to record them a few months ago), and in turn stay away from the "it's all about me attitude". Isn't it a blessing when we plant to please others so that we can please God and harvest an everlasting life? :)Great post; I just read another post with the very same thoughts! They are speaking to me today! :)Denise

  3. Ingrid

    When I stop to reflect on where I've seen His hand in my life, I find the list is very long. And I know there's so much more that I don't even realize He has done for me and for those I love. Thanks, Brenda, for reminding us to tell, and tell again. Blessings on you and yours this week!Ingrid

  4. Brenda Lazzaro Yoder,

    Sounds like a great plan. I have no doubt you will pay it forward many times over!

  5. Anonymous

    God has blessed me with a wonderful "pit crew." Always providing support, and encouragment. I've just recently realized just how blessed I am, and I hope, in turn… pay it forward. Linda

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