Chinos, High Heels, Cougars, and Menopause

Aug 5, 2010 | Faith

Today my daughter and I went shopping.  My goal – “elementary” pants….i.e….chinos comfortable to wear during my internship as an elementary school counselor.  My wardrobe presently consists of high school teacher pants, of which I need to wear heels with, and are trendy and fun.

In trying on clothes, I snuck in some denim leggings and a cute dress to wear over it.

I looked in the mirror with a stark reality: leggings on me don’t look the same as they did in my twenties, and while I could wear them, they presented me in the frame of a cougar.

Not Cool.
This is not an elementary image I was looking for.

Then I tried on some other clothes and somewhere in the conversation, my daughter said, Mom, maybe it’s because of menopause. 

This, from the daughter I am about to drop off as a college freshman year.

And this is life at Fortysomething.  

Somewhere in between chinos, high heels, cougars, and menopause.



Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. wear with chinos

    Love your post, thanks for taking time to post this.

  2. mangiabella

    thanks for the smiles today – you are too precious

  3. A multi-dimensional life

    So cute! :)I just sent an e-mail to a friend about aging. It's unfortunate that reality has to sting a bit, but it's also nice to know that we can find the humor in facing what we can't deny! My friend said "since I'm getting older, I'm not sure I can find this funny anymore." Although we are the same age, I guess I just feel that a sense of humor is the true fountain of youth (regardless of what the mirror might say)~~ Thanks for the grins today! 🙂

  4. Janette@Janette's Sage

    Love this…because this mom of six and touching on 50 doesn't want to look like my 19 year old daughter…although my son a waiter says the "cougars" tip really well….LOLBut then again, my body wouldn't fit into that style anyway…just stopped by and enjoyed!!

  5. Anonymous

    Brenda,Thanks for the chuckle or should I thank Kaylee!Pam Miller

  6. pam miller

    Brenda,Thanks for the chuckle, or should I thank Kaylee!

  7. Justacogitating

    Loved the post! I've found that my feelings about clothes and hair fluctuate with my moods these days: The shirt I loved yesterday suddenly feels "old" and the short haircut I cried over suddenly seems cool. Or vice versa.I found myself explaining (at the Mishler reunion no less) the difference between the slang terms "puma" "cougar" and "mountain lion." I suppose that now that I'm 40, if I date a younger man, I'm officially a cougar. Eh, I don't have a problem with that ;

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