I’ve desired the sound of silence for days, needing silence, taking silence, wanting all to be silent. It makes me stay away from this space, not because I want to, but because I needed silence. Away from the busyness, away from the craziness of the upcoming holiday season, away from brokenness and pain. Time to spend just with God, with those I love, and in rest.
This was a week of too much pain – in the lives of people I love, the children I work with, the families I serve, the world around me and my own heart. “Everyone’s broken” I told my husband just last night.
And it hurts.
As I came to Psalms this morning, this verse gave strength and courage to my soul. Even the righteous are broken and experience pain. The health and wealth gospel does none of us service when pain is our reality. “This isn’t the life I thought I’d live” someone said. My heart cried. How I know that pain.
But God is never absent from our pain or circumstances. He’s never absent from when we’ve lived and responded righteously. These verses have become my prayer today, that God will spread His protection over those who have not abandoned Him in pain, but have pushed into Him, who take refuge in Him.
That He will surround them with His favor as a shield. And He will bless them, in the ways He knows bring Him glory.
That’s my prayer for you as I write this. It’s my prayer today for myself, my family, and others I love walking in pain. I don’t understand it all, but we live in a fallen world, and in pain, His favor and glory can shield and protect.
I need that today. Do you?
Can you pray this for your situation, asking God to shield you with His favor as you have walked in faith and righteousness?
I’m challenged to pursue Him even more, because He’s the only thing that is true and makes sense in brokenness.
Thank you, Brenda. It is true because we live in a fallen world. Praise God that He makes all things new, and that He is the author of the peace we seek. I can’t imagine walking through this world without that peace. Blessings and peace to you as you minister to others in pain.
Thank you Ingrid!