A Peek Inside

Jan 9, 2011 | Faith

I’m not sure where to start today.

I started this particular blog for women almost a year ago.  I’ve grown quite a bit in the process.
I was rather fearful in the beginning for a million reasons, but something a fellow blogger said (http://connie-growinginspiritandtruth.blogspot.com/)   was reassuring – “write as if you were writing a letter between you and the Lord”  (thanks, Connie!).  Hearing this dispelled many fears, and gave a sense of confidence to be vulnerable in areas hopefully to encourage other women, prompting all of us towards the love and grace of Jesus.

All that said, the last several months I have felt impressed to share a part of my story I don’t often share.  Too personal?  Too scary?  Affirmative.  And yet…..

And yet as I interact with women and culture around me, there are things which touch me deeply, in the parts of my soul I thought were long gone, over and done with.  As I ask, seek, and knock, I know there are parts in me – perhaps in others – the Lord desires to flood with grace and the knowledge of who He is.

So, I’m not sure what is to come yet, as I share part of my journey with food, body, soul, and spirit, other than hoping it will encourage or resonate with another who needs to hear “I’m not alone.”  

Sorry, an introduction is in order.

I’m a recovered anorexic and bulimic. (Big deal.  That was a long time ago.)

It’s not a big deal…..except for women with a story of 
     a food addiction
     disordered eating
     body image distortions
     addiction to exercise
     binge eating
     (whatever you want to call it)
There are profound connections between food, body, soul, and spirit.

The older I get, the clearer the connections become for me….and the connection with the Savior.  I realize more and more He desires take the place and energy of things in my life I go to for  nurture and satisfaction…..and the more I realize He desires to completely fulfill these areas in my life.

And in the lives of all women.

I see women, like myself, every day, searching for love in all the wrong places (including  marriage and family), driven by messages validating everything but one simple truth:

Jesus wants all of us.

So, you are welcome to enter my journey in asking the Lord what this means…..this thing of Him knowing, loving, and completely fulfilling our lives.  While this is scary for me, I do know……

Everyone who asks receives, he who seek finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:8)

Lord, Jesus, help us to desire to know you, more.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. sarah

    Thanks for writing this. I have been looking for help, I had some disordered eating year ago and even though I am recovered and am striving for Jesus, what once haunted me never really goes away completely. Now I’m trying to find the balance and prevent overeating and using food as a coping mechanism – instead run to God not food 🙁 – while trying to study and live as a college student. Thank you for your posts, they are encouraging. It helps to know we aren’t struggling with these things alone.

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      Thanks, Sarah. It’s good to know we can encourage one another in our journeys. Finding the balance is a daily choice. The older I have gotten, I realize it’s a daily choice and one that brings challenges at different times of life. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. jj

    I just read a blog post from another friend who took her very young daughter to the doctor because she was not eating enough and worried about her weight. This seems to be my topic for the day. Blessings to you! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Connie

    Thank you Brenda, it's encouraging to know that God used me to speak encouragement to you. I read your blog always…you pour your heart into everything you write. God is using your words to bless many, and to think I may have played a part in you writing you heart, makes me smile :)Connie

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