7 Principles of Powerful Prayer

Jun 20, 2018 | Faith

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

We walked through the children’s home on a prayer walk, being instructed on how to pray at the various locations: the entrance of the home, the playground, the library, the toy room, and the rooms for the boys and girls. Kneeling on the floor in a room covered with pink and purple, tears overwhelmed me.

I thought of my own daughter, the one leading the prayer team, who once had a room covered in pink and periwinkle blue. I thought of how her dad and I have prayed for her and still do and how God loves and cares for little girls. I thought about the prayers offered for the twelve or more girls we were praying for and how they didn’t have dads who prayed for them.

Jesus, do you see them? Do my prayers matter? I felt small and insignificant in the moment, that my prayers didn’t matter on behalf of these children. Then God reminded me of how he’s been revealing himself in dreams to Muslims throughout the Middle East (Dreams and Visions by Tom Doyle). I was challenged that if God saw and cared about Muslims by name, He cares for the orphan by name. He cares whether I pray for the orphan or not.

He cares about everyone for whom you and I pray. And he wants us to pray without ceasing. I came away from our recent trip to Mexico challenged and convicted.

  • I’m convicted of the complacency we Americans Christians have become.
  • I’m convicted of the measly things I pray for.
  • I’m convicted I can impact others if I pray more about things that I am burdened by and for people who need God’s intervention.
  • I’ve convicted I should pray without ceasing…..by turning off social media, TV, and other distractions so that my mind can be engaged in prayer as I go about my day.

I’m challenged by other things:

I share these convictions and challenges with you to spur you on. How can you rejoice? How can you pray? How can you engage your faith to make a difference to those around you?

People in your sphere of influence need you.

Will you join me in rejoicing? In praying without ceasing? And expecting God to answer our prayers for even the one person we can influence?

Lord, teach us to rejoice and to pray without ceasing. Show us who you desire us to pray for, and prompt us to do so, Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Photo credit Unsplash.com



Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Annie Bledsoe

    Thank you Brenda for this reminder. I am hostessing a few of my friends today & will share this with them. I enjoy reading your blogs. I will purchase your latest book & pass it on to those in my sphere of influence.
    Not having children can sometimes be a void, but God has comforted me by giving me many nieces, nephews & children at my church to pray & minister to. I am currently praying about where/ how God wants to use me when I retire from my current vocation. I look forward to how He will lead me. May our Great & Almighty God bless & protect you as you continue on your journey here. You are a gift to so many people😇
    To God be the Glory,
    Annie Bledsoe

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      Thank you so much, Annie. This means a lot! I’m excited to see where God will take you as you retire and start your next stage. He has plans for you every day, to use what He has given you for His glory. Blessings to you!

  2. Sarah Forgrave

    I absolutely love this, Brenda. Just this week I was convicted with how I start my day. Instead of reaching for my phone when my eyes first open, I keep my head on the pillow for a few minutes and ask God who I need to pray for today. It doesn’t take tons of time, but it’s the perfect “snooze button” to awaken my heart, mind, and to center my thoughts on God before my feet hit the floor.

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      Sarah, I struggle with the same thing. I have to remind myself over and over….rejoice. Pray continually. When we do, life is much richer! Thank you so much for your honesty!

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