Why There’s Power In Sticky Situations

Jun 15, 2013 | Faith

Making strawberry jam

Making strawberry jam

I was in the middle of this mess when I had a child who needed to talk. Two hours later, I feel like I had a marathon therapy session with my own child and now have to resume this sticky mess.  Real life  – important moments in sticky messes.

What moments do you need to give priority to even when it’s inconvenient?

I’m glad I listened to my heart this time.

Have a great week


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Abe Yoder

    this is good !

    Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:02:43 +0000 To: yoder166@hotmail.com

  2. lauriesnotes

    Some things can be saved for later. Some can’t.
    I have trained myself to tolerate a stare of constant little messes. My daughter appreciates it.
    Last night I was telling my husband how I didn’t get the dishes done and my daughter said, “The good thing is you took good care of me. The bad thing is you didn’t do the dishes ” ♡L

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      That’s a great example, Laurie. Our children do know the value of when they need us to spend time with them. It’s always a good investment with great returns!

      • lauriesnotes

        ♡ I needed to remind myself of that some more.
        Blessings to you –

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