Why Love is a Dirty Word to Me

May 22, 2016 | Faith, Life

I shy away from the moral and cultural religious wars of today. I cautiously disengage from new age, occultic, and secular beliefs that have infiltrated the church, and those that are also on the legalistic, dogmatic side.

There’s so much rhetoric, it’s easier at times to just be quiet.

This poster caught my attention. I’ll share why.

The word “love” has become something of which I often don’t want to write about because of misconstrued meanings.

But as a Christian who works with people, I constantly witness the deep needs all humans have to be loved and accepted.

Sometimes, this is what draws them to a Holy God who they would otherwise not know.

Sometimes it is simply a reflection of His character.

And sometimes it is what causes them to see that unconditional love feels better than their addiction, faulty thinking, or sexual choices. And they give it up for the love of a Savior they’ve learned is real.

I don’t understand the mysteries of God. But I’m learning that godly love is a mystery.

I believe His Word is infallible and that God and His Word does not change. I believe Jesus will judge each of us, even if we have eternal life, because His word says so (2 Corinthians 5:10). Jesus Christ judges. He is love, yet also judge.

This is also a mystery, yet truth.

So in the deep places where people need love and acceptance, we are to love. We are not to excuse or explain away God to be someone He is not. He is holy, and I believe unconditional human love by a Christ follower gets soil ready for the Word of Truth to be received when it is heard.

Though secular, politically correct Christianity makes “love” a word of apostasy, and legalistic “love” pushes people away from Christ, simple love and honor from the pages of 1 Corinthians 13 and Romans 12:9-21 is the fertile soil where true grace and redemption in Christ can grow.

“Honor one another before yourself.” Romans 12:10

Father, help us to love.

Note: This is something I originally posted on my author’s Facebook page. If you haven’t “liked” the page already and request “get notifications,” do so now. I post live video devotionals on Mondays (Mom Mondays), Wednesdays on Lessons from the Classroom of Life, and Fridays on Faith, in addition to daily posts about life, faith, and parenting beyond the storybook image. Also join me on Instagram where I also post photos of things which teach me lessons or inspire me. I’d love for you to join me!


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