We are raising our fourth middle school student. Our kids are three years apart. For ten years, we’ve had someone entering middle school while one is leaving.
What. A. Thrill.
As a teen, I had life-altering experiences in middle school. I became anorexic. I had my first boyfriend. I learned about things that even today make me blush.
I work with middle schoolers in a public school. Today, teens still experiences the struggles you and I experienced.
That’s why I’m excited to be a monthly columnist with Choose Now Ministries writing to parents and teens about the Middle School Years. My first article, “5 Essential Truths to Know About Middle School” is posted today. If you have a middle school student or will have one soon, you’ll want to check it out.
Do you have good or bad memories of middle school? I’d love to hear your struggles or angst in middle school. What are questions you’d like addressed about the middle school year?