I live in one of the designated disaster areas for the record-breaking drought much of the country is experiencing. Most of the crops on our farm are irrigated, which is a blessing to say the least. The rest of the landscape is golden, like wheat ready to be harvested. Except for a few sparse lawns that have been watered, ours included.
We don’t have a sprinkling system. My farmer husband has been watering our lawn the old-fashioned way, with sprinklers that he strategically moves at certain times of the day, including the middle of the night as needed.
“If it doesn’t rain soon, I’m going to give up.” Farmer Ron said a week or so ago. He was getting tired and weary and the prospects of rain were few and far between.
Then the last few days, it’s rained. Today it poured for hours and the local news reported we are near the normal amounts of rainfall for the month of July. While much of the landscape is still golden yellow, our yard is growing more and more and has a deep, green color.
The hard work that seemed futile a week or so ago has paid off. When the rain came, our lawn took off.
God reminded me how much our spiritual walk is like this. In times of drought where God seems absent and the shower of His favor and blessing seemed way off the radar, it’s easy to give up the disciplines that help us grow in times of spiritual drought. Prayer, staying in His word, relying on His promises, having faith that His goodness will come, seem pointless when everything around says, “Give up, it’s not worth it. God’s not going to show up.
Today, I saw grass in our yard that has taken off because we were watering all along, even when it seemed like we were battling the environment itself.Spiritually, when God does release His Spirit in our hopeless situations, growth happens more rapidly when we have been faithful in growing spiritual seeds despite discouraging circumstances.
Be encouraged today – staying in His Word, praying in faith, and “doing the stuff” IS important, especially in times of drought. It may seem futile watering your world with the sprinklers of faith in times of drought, but when God decides to move, you’ll be ready. The ground will be ripe for growth, and not a drop of faithfulness of your part will be wasted.
“Be prepared in season and out of season….” 2 Timothy 4:2.
The Faith of a Lawn Sprinkler
It’s worth it.
Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life
Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.
Hi Brenda, we are having a very wet winter, but loving it. We've had a dry summer or too so the water is precious. God blessTracy
Thank you Tracy. How are things where you are? Are they green or dry? It's amazing how God works all of the things of nature all over the world! Blessings to you, today!
Hi Brenda – I love this post. I saw a great picture today that said something similar about being faithful in the times when God is silent. I love the picture you bring with the green grass being greener where it was watered in the drought. Great analogy. God blessTracy
Thanks, Denise! I'll remember that next time. I probably look for it after the post because it's a common format, but I will look above the next time. Thank you – have a great week!
PTL for the rain Brenda! Faith and trust is what we live for, and He is so faithful, and always "shows up" when we believe. Blessings to all the farmers in your area; there are so many areas in need.Love to you this week!DeniseBTW…thank you for your sweet comments; just wanted to let you know that when commenting on my on my blog site, I think you have to click on the comment above the post; your comments are showing up on the previous post. 🙂