Getting Ready to Cross Over

Getting Ready to Cross Over

They stood before the great River. They fought hard, endured much, and it was before them. The time was Now. The Promised Land. All they hoped and dreamed of and been promised. “They camped….for three days” (Joshua 3:2) Do you camp for three days...
The Hidden Trap of Motherhood (and More)

The Hidden Trap of Motherhood (and More)

Each Friday I post at Not Alone Mom with Kristin Nelson as part of her ministry team.  This week’s post is a personal one I processed as a woman with insecurities – The Hidden Trap of Motherhood.  Perhaps you can relate. Feel free to read it here. If you...
The Notecard Series: Precious. Honored. Known

The Notecard Series: Precious. Honored. Known

The Notecard Series are posts based on old, spiral-bound notecards I wrote statements I needed in front of me at all times.  As a stay-at-home mom, they perched on a window sill above my kitchen sink.  As a teacher, they sat on my desk.  Some days, they were words to...

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