So, I had high hopes today of writing a blog post. I have had so many things in my mind lately. But, here I am, an hour and a half after sitting down to type required paperwork, neglected email, and I look at the clock.
If I am to be ready to be at an appointment in an hour, then go to baccalaureate, I have to get out of the grimy clothes I haven’t changed yet today and make supper for whoever is home whenever to eat tonight.
This morning I woke up and was going to do the home office things, get a few reflective posts written, in an orderly fashion…then,
1. Have to drive children to school, husband is doing the man-bkfst thing.
2. At least put a bra on for the drive. Something like wearing clean underwear if you’re in an accident. Today, Bra, but no clean underwear.
3. Figure while I’m out, I’ll clean the weekly house I clean this morning instead of at noon.
4. While cleaning, the sweeper dies on me, have to run home to get mine.
5. Daughter, first day off school as a soon-to-be graduate calls and asks if I want to go to lunch with her. Shoot. Not in my plan, but know What’s Important.
6. Modify plans and go with daughter to Youngest’s 3rd Grade play at 10:30 am instead of 1:30. Good thing I put that bra on.
7. Go to lunch, come home (finally), and get to work in the home office.
8. In the mean time, I am drinking water, pondering why my body is retaining water the last week like the Hoover dam. Put it as my FB status, get stupid comments from men.
9. Time to get to my blogs, and look at the clock. 45 minutes to leave for the rush of afternoon and evening events, have to make dinner, put on deodorant, and change that underwear.
So, here’s my post for today. At least in 15 I’ll have clean underwear.
(It’s the Woman Thing we all do)