In this episode and the last, Brenda shares Part Two of her interview with Ingrid Lochamire, a woman whose journey has powerful lessons from which to learn. Today’s episode is powerful for parents helping their kids through crisis. You won’t want to miss it! Ingrid also has a give away at her website, including a free resource to share your own story, but a special gift for one of you! Check it out here!
This interview finishes up Season 2 of the Life Beyond the Picket Fence podcast! We hoped to have another interview, but due to the crisis, we will record that and air in the future.
So be on the lookout for something NEW in season three!
As we continue to navigate through this COVID-19 crisis one day at a time, please let us know how we can pray for you!
About Ingrid:
Whether you are a mom of young or grown children, you won’t want to miss this two part series!