2019 Events
- January 10, Lima-Brighton Elementary School, Howe, IN, Healthy Families 3-5th graders
- January 16, GEMS Girls Ministry, Grand Rapids, MI, Training on Bullying and Respect
- January 28-Feb. 1, Lakeland High School, LaGrange, IN, Healthy Relationships
- February 3, Berkey Avenue Church, Elkhart, IN, Child Abuse Awareness
- February 9, Hope Mommy Leader’s Workshop, Goshen, IN
- February 11-15, Prairie Heights High School, Stroh, IN, Healthy Relationships
- February 20, MOPS, Berne, IN
- February 23, Reba Church, Evanston, IL, Healthy Sexuality Parenting Workshop
- February 25-March 1, Westview High School, Topeka, IN, Healthy Relationships
- March 1-2, Calvary Church Women’s Retreat, Grand Rapids, MI
- March 7, Sugar Grove Church Mom’s Group, Elkhart, IN
- March 8, Moms in the Middle, Faith Church, Beecher, IL
- March 13, MOPS, River Valley Church, Mishawaka, IN
- March 15-16, Mid-South Writer’s Conference
- March 22, 24, Christian Reform Church, Michigan
- April 26-28, Women’s Retreat, Brethren Retreat Center, Shipshewana, IN
- April 30, Middlebury Community Library Fledge Parent Workshop, Middlebury, IN
- July 4-5, Mennonite USA Conference, Kansas City, MO
- July 11-13, Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- July 17, Christian Women’s Club, Lake Geneva, WI
- July 26-27, GEMS Women’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- August 1-2, Christian Reform Church, Windsor Ontario, Canada
- August 9, New Life Baptist Church, Greencastle, IN
- September 7, Storytelling Workshop, Rising Son, IN
- September 16, Gross Point MOPS, Gross Pointe Farms, MI
- September 17, MOPS Next, Chesterton, IN
- September 26-28, Maranatha Writer’s Conference, Muskegon, MI
- October 5, Life Point Church Retreat, Angola, IN
- October 6, Foster Care Support Group, Elkhart, IN
- October 9-12, Metanoia Retreat, Iowa
- November 5-8, Healthy Relationships, LaGrange Country high schools
- November 16, Women’s Retreat, Fort Wayne, IN
- November 19-22, Healthy Relationships, LaGrange County high schools
- December 3-6, Healthy Relationships, LaGrange County high schools
- December 9 & 16, Westview High School assembly on sex trafficking
- December 10, Women’s Luncheon, Fremont, OH
- December 13, Christian Women’s luncheon, Toledo, OH
2020 Events
- January 12, Dove’s Nest Circle of Grace training, Toledo, OH
- January 16, Oakwook Bible Church MOPS, Kalamazoo, MI
- January 17-18, Stroh Church of Christ Retreat, The Farmstead, Shipshewana, IN
- January 19-February 3 Chiluvuru, India, Menno Clinic India.
- February 11, MOPS, The Chapel, Fort Wayne, IN
- February 18-21, Healthy Relationships, LaGrange County high schools
- February 28, MOPS Next, Faith Church, Beecher, IL
- March 3-6, Healthy Relationships, LaGrange County high schools
- March 16, Parenting Workshop, Middlebury Library, Middlebury, IN
- March 20, MOPS Byron, Michigan
- March 17-20, Healthy Relationships, LaGrange County high schools
- March 23, Parenting Workshop, Middlebury Library, Middlebury, IN
- March 24, Emmanuel Community Church MOPS, Fort Wayne, IN
- March 25, MOPS Westwood Christian Reform, Kalamazoo, MI
- April 16, MOPS, Liberty Baptist Church, Chesterton, IN
- April 24-25, The Well Writer’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- July 9-11, Speak Up Conference, Grand Rapids
- September 14-15, Indianapolis, IN
- December 8-9, Frankenmuth and Midland, MI
Schedule Brenda
Email Brenda at brenda@brendayoder.com or call 260-336-3387 to schedule your next event.
2018 Schedule
- January 20, Parent’s Technology Forum, Goshen, IN
- January 23, Westview High School Health classes
- January 27, Women’s Retreat, Milford, IN
- January 31-Feb. 4, Newton, Kansas, Pornography training for children, youth and adults.
- February 15, MOPS group, Indianapolis, IN
- March 2-3, Women’s Retreat, Camp Amigo, Sturgis, IN
- March 13–Book release!
- March 17, Writer’s Workshop, 9:30-11:30, Shipshewana, IN
- March 17, 1-3, Book signing at The Glow Christian Bookstore, Shipshewana, IN
- March 17, 6-9, The Faith Gathering, Shipshewana, IN (5-5:45 pm book signing before event)
- March 27-29, Champaign, Urbana, IL
- April 4, Tampa, FL, CBN TV interview
- April 12-13, Central Church Refresh Women’s Event, Memphis, IN
- April 16-17, Moms on the Run, Ankeny, IA
- April 27-28, Heartland Women’s Retreat, Danville, IL
- May 8-10 East DeMoines, IA
- May 12, Stroh Church of God Mother-Daughter Banquet, Stroh, IN
- June 2-3, Paoli Mennonite Church, Circle of Grace Training, Paoli, IN
- June 28-30, Speak Up speaking and writing conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- July1-2, Fledge Parent Seminar, Evana Conference, Taylor University, Upland, IN
- July 26-27, Empowering Women & Healthy Boundaries, Omaha, NE
- September 6, The Yaweh Sisterhood Project Book Club, Fort Wayne, IN
- September 16, Morning Message, Emma Church, Topeka, IN
- September 16, Girls Talk: Healthy Boundaries event for girls, LaGrange United Methodist Church, LaGrange, IN
- September 19-20, Christian Reform Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- September 27-28, Maranatha Christian Writer’s Conference, Muskegon, Mi
- September 30, Parent Talk and Technology Workshop, Marion Christian Fellowship, Shipshewana, IN
- October 1-5, Safe Dates Curriculum, Westview High School, Topeka, IN
- October 3, Circle of Grace Training, Emma Church, Topeka, IN
- October 5, Book Signing, Lasting Impressions Gift Store, Shipshewana, IN
- October 11, Book Signing, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI
- October 12, Breathe Christian Writer’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- October 7-8, Fledge Parenting Workshop, Kalona, Iowa
- October 16-17, Peoria, IL
- October 22-26, Safe Dates, Lakeland High School, LaGrange, IN
- October 29-Nov 1, Safe Dates, Prairie Heights High School, LaGrange, IN
- November 3, Healthy Boundaries, Emma Church, Topeka, IN
- November 14-15, Christian Women’s Clubs, Freeport, IL
- December 5, Christian Women’s Club, Plymouth, IN
- December 6, MOPS, Kalamazoo, MI
- December 11-13, Mount Pleasant, MI
- January 27-28 Ligionier Methodist Women’s Retreat, Shipshewana, IN
- February 21 Vermottville MOPS, Vermottville, MI
- March 6 Mom’s Mentoring Group, Middlebury, IN
- March 12 North Goshen Mennonite Church, Social Media Seminar, Dove’s Nest
- March 28 Women’s Luncheon, Fort Wayne, IN
- April 17 Mom’s Mentoring Group, Middlebury, IN
- April 21-22 Heartland Community Church Women’s Retreat, Decatur, IL
- May 1 Mom’s Mentoring Group, Middlebury, IN
- May 7 Summit Mennonite Church, Akron, OH, Social Media & Cyberbullying, Dove’s Nest
- May 14 Innovation Church, Layfayette, IN
- May 21 Hudson Methodist Church, Hudson, IN
- June 7 Camp Friedenswald Staff Training, Michigan, Dove’s Nest
- July 2-4 ReGen Conference, Taylor University, Upland, IN
- July 13-15 Speak Up Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- August 21 Freeman Academy Training, Freeman, SD, Dove’s Nest
- September 7-8 Westview High School Health Class
- September 21 MOPS Beecher, IL
- September 28-30 Maranatha Christian Writer’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- October 2-4, Des Moines, IA
- October 5, Breathe Writer’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- October 17 Appleton, Wisconsin
- November 1-10 Menno Clinic Visit, India
- December 1, Faith Outreach Center, Rochester, IN
- December 5, Laporte Indiana
- December 7, Valparaiso, IN
- December 9 Sugar Grove Christmas Brunch, Elkhart, IN
2016 Schedule
- Jan. 21, Elkhart, IN, River Oaks MOPS
- Jan. 22-24, Ligonier Methodist Women’s Retreat
- Feb. 10, Maple City Chapel Youth, Goshen, IN
- Feb. 27-28, Northern Indiana Missionary Retreat
- Feb. 28, Shipshewana, IN, Teen Girls Nite, 5-8 p
- March 4, Children’s Summit, Goshen, IN
- March 5, Women’s Tea, Midland Michigan
- Mar. 11, Shipshewana, IN, Balance & Busyness Nite for parents
- March 17-18, Dyer, IN, MOPS
- April 26, MOPS, Hastings, MI
- April 30, Oxford Bible Church, Oxford, Ohio
- May 7, Living Faith Fellowship Retreat, Elkhart, IN
- June 7-8, Dubuque, IA
- July 7-9, Speak Up Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- July 11, Jackson After 5 Dinner, Jackson, MI
- August 20, LaGrange Missionary Church retreat, Lagrange, IN
- September 9-10, Crossroads Community Church Retreat, Shipshewana, IN
- September 17, Doves’ Nest Child Abuse Prevention, Goshen, IN
- September 29-October 1, Maranatha Writer’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- October 7-8, Breathe Writer’s Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
- November 1, Women’s Luncheon, North Dayton, Ohio
- November 5, Iron Sharpens Iron Women’s Conference, Davenport, IA
- November 12, Helmer United Methodist Women’s Retreat, Helmer, IN
- November 19, MOPS, Camby, IN
- December 6, Maple City Chapel, Goshen, IN
- December 10, Sugar Grove Women’s Event, Elkhart, IN
- December 12-14, Women’s events, Indianapolis, IN
2015 Schedule
- January 24, Greenwood, IN – Got Balance? Women’s Retreat
- January 31, Shipshewana, IN – Got Laughter? Ladies Night Out
- February 6, Zionsville, IN MOPS – Knowing God’s Character
- February 18, Greenwood, IN MOPS
- March 5, Shipshewana, IN – Wild Women Of Scripture, Shore Mennonite Church
- March 21-22 Shipshewana, IN – “Security In Jesus” Community Women’s Retreat, Blue Gate Garden Inn
- March 28, 2015 – Nappanee, IN – Got Balance Retreat
- April 8 – Greenwood, IN – MOPS
- April 19 – Geneseo, IL – Blurred Lines: Being Real In An Artificial World day seminar for teen girls
- April 24-25 – Camp Friedenswald, Cassopolis, MI – EWC Women’s Retreat
- May 16, Angola, IN – Fairview Missionary Church Women’s Breakfast
- May 26, Zionsville, IN – Messed Up Mom’s Bible Study Kick Off
- July 1, Kansas City, KS – Mennonite Youth Conference “Blurred Lines” seminar for teens
- July 15, Peoria, IL “Hope Beyond the Picket Fence”
- July 21-22, Champaign IL, “Hope Beyond The Picket Fence”
- July 23, Grand Rapids, MI, Social Media workshop, Speak Up, Carol Kent Ministries
- August 3, Zionsville, IN, Messed Up Mom’s Bible Study Finale
- September 25, Zionsville, IN, MOPS on Messed Up Moms of Scripture
- September 25, Zionsville, IN “Raising Confident Girls”
- October 8, Muncie, IN, Keynote, First Choice for Women’s Fundraiser
- October 9, Grand Rapids, MI, Breathe Writer’s Conference
- October 10, Davenport, IA, Iron Sharpens Iron’s Women’s Conference
- October 16-17, Galena, IA, “Life Beyond the Picket Fence” retreat
- October 24, Goshen, IN, Believer’s Fellowship Women’s retreat
- October 31, Stroh, IN, Calvary Chapel Women’s Retreat
- December 5, South Bend, IN, Simply Enough Women’s Retreat
- December 8-9, Frankenmuth, MI