Hurry, Hurry, Hurry.
This seems to be the revolving door our life has become in the past several years.
Hurry, Hurry, Checklist, on to the Next Thing.
Be Still and Know that I am God.
In recent weeks, I have become to realize how wired I have become to
I have actually found myself with pockets of “down time” I think it’s called,
and I’ve found myself thinking of things to do during the down time.
One evening a thought crossed my mind
Just sit.
Watch a movie.
Or read your bible
Or sit. Do nothing.
I argued with myself for quite a while that I was somehow lazy in just sitting.
So I picked up my bible. And read. And sat and then went to sleep.
In reflecting over other moments like this, I have wondered how God watches us, at least me, from above, scurrying around, here and there, getting things done, wondering if we would just sit and be with him.
Or just sit and think about Him and His ways.
Or just sit to listen to Him.
I’m challenged in myself to do this, and to do it more routinely.
I wonder what a change in my countenance it might make.
I wonder if my kids would notice a more rested person.
One already has. One evening, after being sick and lying around on the couch, one of my boys came up to give me a hug.
This was rare.
And I wondered if it was a response to me just being there.
And I wondered if I allowed myself to just hang out with God, if I would have the same response. Hugging him, figuratively, bonding because we hung out with each other.
This holiday season, I want to practice more hang out time, with God, and the people most important in my life. In reflecting on what it means to “delight in the Lord” (last blog entry), I think part of it is being...and not doing all the time.
Be still and know that I am God. (psalm46:10)
(Shhh…..I think I might hear Him speaking)…..
No Time to Say Hello, Goodbye….
Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life
Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.