Lots of things have been happening with the ministry of Life Beyond the Picket Fence.
- New web design {with assistance of Sara Smoker, webdesigner}
- Expanded weekly posts at Parent Space, Not Alone Mom, and Ten to Twenty Parenting
- “Pins” with inspiring words and pictures from my garden
- Co-authorship of “The Family Guidebook for Thriving and Surviving The Summer” e-book
- Speaking events and retreats
- The “Love Affair That’s Not With My Husband” Bible study.
With the transfer of websites and expanded ministry beyond the blog, it’s important we stay connected. The parenting articles I weekly write for other sites are posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, but aren’t always posted on the blog. I want to make sure we stay connected and you can be encouraged with other pieces I write, particularly on parenting. So you can stay connected with this ministry, I’ll be sending a bi-monthly newsletter to email subscribers of the blog with updates on articles, speaking engagements, and other areas of encouragement through this ministry.
I’d love for you to join our email list so we can stay connected! If you do, you’ll be entered in a giveaway for a $10.00 Target Gift Card!
A Giveaway!
I’d like to give back to you – my faithful readers who – who support this ministry in faithfulness, prayer, and support.
- If you are a current email subscriber and would like to have your name entered in a giveaway for a $10.oo Target gift card, subscribe to our newsletter in the “Subscribe to Newsletter” box. Then email me at brenda@brendayoder.com indicating you’re an email and newsletter subscriber and would like to enter the giveaway.
- If you are not a current email subscriber, all you have to do to enter is subscribe to the blog and newsletter by entering your email address “Subscribe to blog” and “Subscribe to Newsletter” area at the top of the page. Then email me {brenda@brendayoder.com} indicating you’ve subscribed to both and would like to have your name entered! {I will verify your email address with the subscriber list}.
This is my gift as a “thank you” for being faithful partners in this ministry! I receive no compensation from Target for this giveaway – it’s something I’m doing from me to one of you!
I’d love to hear from you and encourage you. The giveaway to email and newsletter subscribers will be open through Friday, July 19. I’ll announce the winner on Saturday, July 20.
In the meantime, remember me in prayer as I speak to women at three events this Wednesday and Thursday.
I appreciate you! This ministry is an encouragement to me because it encourages you. May God provide for all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus {Phil 4:19}.
Sending prayers _/\_
and lots of love –