I’ve got to be honest. In light of recent national events, I sit down to write asking, “Why? Why should I continue putting even more words in social media when there’s already too much? Too many words, too much noise filled with anger, agendas, ignorance, and “expertise.” Keeping up with the blogging field, following the tips of Michael Hyatt and Copyblogger seems pointless today.
People are hurting. It’s not about me, my words, or anyone else’s.
In thinking about this space for the next year, I had already planned to add new features, including two regular contributors who can give words to a topic I often write about – parenting. I’m excited to have them here because they have good insight for dads and moms. This Wednesday, I’m proud to introduce Joshua Kissee of www.manbuilders.com, as a contributing writer. He’s a dad who has a heart for raising good men. As a mother of three boys, I affirm his passion and appreciate the contributions he will make here to the men who read the blog, and to women who are also raising boys. Here’s more about Josh:
Joshue Kissee – www.manbuilders.com
Joshua Kissee is the proud Dad of five sons and founder of
http://www.manbuilders.com and a contributing blogger at
playgrounddad.com. He and his wife, Rebecca, enjoy raising their sons Jacob, Jordan, Johnathan, Jonah, and Jared. They believe that boys need to acquire a great variety of skills and character traits on the journey to becoming a man. Joshua and Rebecca enjoy blogging about topics to teach boys and display a new topic periodically from over 300 ManBuilding ideas to teach your son. Checkout the family at
Be sure to visit Wednesday to read his book review of
Father Hunger – a powerful book about the influence of fathers.
Krissy Nelson of
Not Alone Mom will also be contributing to Life Beyond the Picket Fence. You’ll learn more about her soon. I’m excited to have both of them joining me in this ministry.
In the meantime, I’m tempted to follow the “What’s the Point?” questions lingering in my mind about blogging right now. But I know the reason this ministry began three years ago. And that is why I write. This space is committed to being a ministry about life that’s not the image we thought it would be. It’s a place about real issues in life, sometimes difficult, that we can walk together through with encouragement, strength, and hope. And sometimes, my own life provides a little laughter.
The readers visiting here come from all walks of life. Men, women, moms, dads, people from a variety of ages and faiths from around the country and world, from all walks of life. The commonality we all have is a dream, an image, of what we thought life would be. And somewhere along the way, that dream was shattered. But together, we walk forward each day. If, for one person, this space helps them know they are not alone in the walk, then I write.
I’m also committed to share the One in whom all hope is found. His name is Jesus Christ, the son of the Most High God, of whom I love more than anyone, anything, or creation on this earth. When religion and traditional images of God did not make sense to me in my deepest pain,
He proved to me He was personal, true, and completely all that He says He is. There’s a temptation to be politically correct as a contributor to social media. In most cases, I will. But I
will share about the Hope that I know.
I am living proof of His grace, and I won’t trade that for anything.
I hope you, too, will feel safe and comfortable here, where life isn’t a rose garden, but where the Gardener of Hope still causes good things to grow.
“Lord, God, we love you.”
Today, there are no more words.
Thanks for not watering it down Brenda! The is hope in the truth and the truth is in Him, and Him alone. Thank you for your obedience and your dedication to the ministry He called you to! Your words and your heart are touching more people than you even know… Blessings!! Krissy (oh, and I am of course extremely happy and honored to be part of your ministry!!)
Thank you so much for your kind words. I am so happy to have you be a part of this ministry here and yours. May more and more people know Him and His character in each written work. Love ya!
Thanks for sharing – always good to be reminded of God’s goodness in difficult times.