There’s a quiteness in my soul tonight. The washer and dryer are spinning. College boy and the girlfriend are laughing downstairs, and there’s a silent stillness of sleep.
It’s late for me, but a good late. A late of peace and rest.
Things came to a halt this week, within twenty-four hours. Basketball season is over for Middle Kid. A few weeks of quiet before the next sports season starts.
Revival is done, for now. Thirty days of rest the Lord has said. Thirty days of rest before the next phase.
When I heard Kyle Martin, evangelist for Time To Revive, talk about resting, my mind and body were quiet. I’ve honesty been exhausted the last several weeks. A little bit of this, that, and a lot of big stuff in between.
Rest became personal to me. Permission to unplug. To say “no.” To pull back and be still.
Where do you need to be still?
Really, where do you need permission to be still?
Tonight I’m reminded, in the stillness, there is rest and peace.
How do you need to rest your mind, body, soul and spirit? Will you join me in shutting out the noise, the stream of unending Facebook feeds, and craziness?
Lean into God. Sit at His feet. And rest.