Do not be afraid. I am your shield, your very great reward. Genesis 15:1
God promised He would make Abram into a great nation. He told Abram He would be his great reward.
And Abram was honest with God. “What can you give me since….””You have given me no children…..” (Genesis 15:2-3)
While Abram had questions, he believed the Lord, and God credited it to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11:8-19).
Are you in a waiting period, not knowing how or when God’s promises will take place? In times of discouragement, is your faith based on what you do not see–the circumstances, the hurt, the unfulfilled hope and longing in your heart?
You’re not alone. As I read Genesis 13-15, I identify with Abram. God told him in various ways that He would give him offspring from his own body that would be as numerous as the stars. And Abram honestly gave his doubts and obstacles to God. His reality was that he was childless and he could only see the non-miraculous possibilities around him.
Do your realities shake your hope, rob you of faith in God, who He is, and His character?
As Abram walked with God, there was a personal relationship between them. God spoke to Abram and Abram spoke to God. God acknowledged Abram’s fear and promised God’s position in their relationship–He would be Abram’s shield and his very great reward (Genesis 15:2)
Until Isaac was born, Abram chose to receive God, Himself, as his comforter, shield, his very great reward. While waiting for the promise, he chose God as the One who satisfied and was the source of his hope, faith, and joy.
Most of us walk in the land of waiting.
A child.
A better job.
Changed behavior.
Respite from pain or grief.
A situation will turn around.
While waiting, it’s easy to lose faith. It’s easy to believe happiness will only occur when we get what we’re waiting for. It’s easy to give up and give in to discouragement, disbelief and cynicism about God and faith altogether.
Instead, learn from Abram. Go to God with your doubts. Let Him be your shield. Believe His character is not based on earthly circumstances.
Let Him be your very great reward.
This is the heart of a relationship with your Creator through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Ever wonder how people in persecuted countries survive and have faith and joy in Christ?
Because He is their sole reward–their very great reward.
Psalm 1 says blessed in the man whose delight is in the law of he Lord. You’re like a well-watered tree by a stream who bears fruit in season–whatever you do will prosper.
Friends, if the rest of your days were filled with a rich, intimate relationship with Jesus, would that be enough? Do you believe that as you draw near to God and He draws near to you (James 4:8), He becomes the respite you need, providing what you can’t imagine it may look like now?
He provides peace in pain, joy in sorrow, and balance in soul, mind, and spirit.
Last week I shared my discouragement. As I’ve clung to God and refused to let circumstances define God’s promise, His peace comes. It comes in ways you can’t predict or conjure up. It refreshes like a well-watered tree.
In season, you will bear fruit in your circumstances as you position yourself by the Living Water, your Shield and very great Reward.
Don’t let circumstances define your faith, your hope, and your joy.
Position yourself behind your Shield.
He’s your very great Reward. And your faith will be credited as righteousness.
Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. Hebrews 11:1