The Great Do-Over In Raising A Girl

Jul 27, 2014 | Parenting

I often share my testimony with women about my almost-near disastrous relationship with my only daughter. Five years ago I made hard decisions to change my lifestyle and behavior so I could salvage our relationship when she was a teen. She’s a recent college graduate whose heart and desire is for the Lord. God has worked His grace and power in our home and family.

I’ve shared a lot of things with moms of girls over the years – young moms exasperated with small kids, moms raising preteens fearful of the path their daughter might take, and moms in the trenches with teen girls. Here are twenty things I often share that I’m glad I did in raising a girl, and twenty things I would do over.

20 Things I’d Do Again

  1. Be a stay at home mom to watch her grow
  2. Have tea partiesIMG_0135.jpg
  3. Play dress ups
  4. Read books to her
  5. Take her to parks
  6. Sing to her
  7. Have play dates
  8. Lay beside her bed and pray for her when she’s sleeping
  9. Take her to museums
  10. Take her on a road trip
  11. Be honest about my life when she asked hard questions


Read the rest of the post here at Whatever Girls.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Tracy

    Hi Brenda, this goes right into my heart. I have always wanted to be closer to my girls than I was to my mom, and there is a lot of running to God in all this. Great reminder of the things we can do. One of the most amazing things to me as a mom who fails ALL THE TIME is that so long as you keep trying and seeking God in it all, you do see those relationships grow and blossom. I suppose what I am grateful for is that faults and failures and all, its never too late to keep trying.
    God bless

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      Yes, yes, it’s never too late to keep trying. I’ve learned that first hand and am so thankful that His mercies truly are new every morning!

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