Family Vacation. A time of memories and excitement. I have to admit, as a mother of four, I look forward to going, but always have reservations.
Somehow when we go on vacation, I feel like I’m in charge of a whole army. Responsibility in the nth degree. Not just the packing, making sure we get everywhere, but responsible somehow that we have a good time, that we reach the pinnacle of expectations we all have of The Family Vacation.
Last time we went, Ron and I got into a shouting match on how to get to a bridge in Philadelphia that was definitely above us, but we didn’t know how to get there. This is when one of the kids says “are we lost?”, and we yell – NO!
Not to mention we were in the XXX rated part of town, on a railroad track with steam rising when were got into the altercation. Good memories.
That’s why I love the movie Family Vacation with Chevy Chase, take out all of the raunchiness. Other than dragging Edna from the car, it about fits the bill of some of our adventures – other than the marijuana – haven’t had that experience yet.
This time we are flying. On a airplane. When I went to Italy we had the travel experience from *&^%. Great trip, once we got there.
So, hoping we don’t miss a flight, get lost, or lose a child – just want to survive the trip with all the ages and stages going on.
When our kids were younger, I had such idyllic expectations of vacations, that when the angst came, I would get so irritated. After the last two trips, I have learned to chill and smile. It’s all good. I’d rather have memories of fighting under a Philly bridge, than no memories at all. Our family time is few and far between these days, so I’ll take what I can get.
So bring it on (not the cheerleaders), let’s roll, and sit back and enjoy. This is what life is made of, Chevyness and all.
California, here we come, and we’ll take good care of Aunt Edna.
Thank you Carol! I will never get that picture out of my mind – we can laugh about it now!
I'm from new jersey and go to phildelphia often. I have gotten lost under that bridge several times so don't feel bad