Stepping Out in Faith

Apr 26, 2018 | Faith

There’s a voice that’s been nudging me. It’s name is Faith.

I’ve heard it in a message about Abraham. God called him to sacrifice his son. Abraham obeyed, having faith God would provide or raise his son from the dead. Abraham obeyed and believed in the unseen. That’s faith.

I’ve heard it from a friend who said her God’s bigger than circumstances that seem insurmountable. I heard it from a small voice saying, “Do you believe me?”

Three situations for which I’ve been interceding. Each different.

Each filled with pain that drives you to panic.–What will the outcome be? 

Each filled with fear–What if?

Each filled with questions–What next?

I hear a small voice saying, “Faith is believing me for what you don’t see.”

I’m challenged by Abraham. The only thing he saw was his son, an altar, and firewood. There was no other option for obedience in sacrifice. He obeyed down to the final moment when God said, “Abraham! Abraham!” (Genesis 22:11). He believed in God’s goodness even though the situation dictated God was playing some cruel trick.

Have you ever felt God was playing a cruel trick with your life circumstances? Have you ever held your hands on your hips and said, “Really, God?“ I have more than once, and more than once recently.

When anxiety creeps in and lies of the enemy invade my mind, I’ve had to take my thoughts captive, dwelling in scripture and believing what I know is true. God is bigger than the circumstances. He sees the outcome. He desires good, not evil. His power is greater than my unbelief.

Do you need to hear that?

I do. I need to hear Abraham’s faith as he talked to his son – “God himself will provide.”

In three situations, I’ve been taking small steps in faith, trusting God that He will provide. With each step, there’s nothing guaranteeing my faith. There’s no promise that everything will turn out “just fine.” There’s not a contract saying, “if you do this, then….”

But there is a covenant relationship saying, “I love you, just as I did Abraham.” It says, “If you believe I am good, you can trust what you don’t see.”

This week, I’ve been walking in faith into the unknown, casting out my fears and sending them to Jesus for Him to bear. He says He intercedes for us (Romans 8:34). He says He’ll carry our burdens (1 Peter 5:7). He says His power is perfect in our weakness. In our weakness, He is strong (2 Corinthians 12:9)

It’s been a hard week, but I’m trusting God in new ways. I’m walking in confidence, as Abraham did, believing that God can do immeasurably more than I can ask or image (Ephesians 3).

Walking in faith, trusting in the unseen, taking God at His word. Where do you need to walk in faith, trusting God for the unseen?

Father, thank you for being bigger than what we see. Thank you for allowing us to trust your character above all else. Thank you for loving us and fully working in situations we have yet to see. Thank you for being trustworthy. Amen.


Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Jennifer Yoder

    We just studied Abraham and his faith and how Jehovah Jira which translates “I will provide” gave Abraham and Isaac the ram in the thicket. One thing that I had never thought of though, is Isaac. He wasn’t a small child, but he was a dedicated child to his father to his Lord. He willingly and in obedience followed his father to that alter just like Christ wants us to, His children to obediently and faithfully follow him. It is a good example of how we shoul have more faith in our Father. God will provide. “Hold on to that hope. He whispers. Eyes on me. I am not done yet. We hold on to that hope. There is always a ram in the thicket because there is always a Lamb on the throne “ ( excerpt from Daring to Hope)

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      I love this Jennifer, an example of childlike faith of which God calls us to and of which Isaac is an example! Thanks so much for this reminder!

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