I’m excited to host a giveaway of Donna Fagerstorm’s new book devotional, “Every Mourning.” If you’ve experienced grief of any kind–read, be encouraged, and enter the drawing by commenting on the post by February 4!
You get that unexpected call someone close to you just died. You go to what you thought would be a routine exam with your physician and suddenly your world is turned upside down by a startling life or death diagnosis. Your boss calls you into his office and you are thinking maybe a raise or a promotion? But, out of the blue, you’re told that the company is down-sizing and your job is now eliminated.
The stories are endless. What we all experience, in this broken world, we will all walk a journey of deep grief or significant loss. Unfortunately, there is no advance preparation for grief.
We all process loss and grief differently. In our current culture, there is a lot of information and opinion on how to walk through a journey of grief with various steps and expectations of “how to” grieve. I have read many of them. I am sure you have as well. For some they may have found great solace from them.
And then, the people in our life show up with advice. Some will share their story and expect your experience to mirror theirs. Other’s have advice for you that just doesn’t fit. You are often left to feel guilty or that something with me is wrong, because I am not grieving the way or in the timeframe others expect.
I have personally discovered there’s no universal formula to manage my grief. We all grieve differently, depending on so many variables. In death, our age, stage in life and relationship to the person who has just died comes into the grieving process. With the loss of a job, finances, a divorce or the loss of a dream or ambition, grief will affect everyone in a different way due to how we are wired, physically, emotionally, system of personal support or hope of recovery.
In this journey of grief there’s no prescribed timetable. Grief is a garment to be worn for a season as a cloak, but in His time as a garment of grace. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. We should never stand in judgement how another grieves, nor live in another’s judgment of unrealistic expectations. You need to give yourself permission to grieve, God’s way in God’s time.
Every Mourning is designed to walk with you through your loss and grief. Often the very thing another Christian encourages someone in grief to do is to spend time in God’s word and pray. While that is great advice, the personal pain is so great that reading and praying is hard. Finding a verse from the Bible that encourages and helps can be a lengthy labor. Praying can be confusing with too many distractions to focus on the love and grace of a compassionate God. Every Mourning has carefully selected verses from the Bible that are uplifting. The short prayers allow the one hurting to eavesdrop on the prayers of another. Short insights will give new perspective, hope and healing.
A song writer penned these words, “You’re not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief or pain, but the Master promised sunshine after the rain.” Every Mourning will bring you in close touch with the promises and person of a Savior who loves you and has much more for you in love and in life.
Because of the Lord’s great live, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I will say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:22-24
About Donna
Donna was born an identical twin in Holland, Michigan and came to personal faith in Christ at the age of six. Donna is an encourager, worshiper, speaker, writer and author and has used these gifts in every area of ministry. Having served for 31 years in the local church, she also has a commitment to pray for leaders.
From 2003-2009 Donna worked in leadership and support roles at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, where her husband Doug was the President. In 2010 Donna received “The Woman of Influence” award from Cornerstone University.
From 2010-2015 Donna was the women’s ministry leader for Converge Worldwide, a national and international church planting and church strengthening movement in Orlando, Florida. In the fall of 2015 Doug and Donna moved to Dallas, Texas where Donna servers with her husband, the President of Marketplace Ministries.
Although they miss living near their daughter, Darci and their son-in-love, Jay Irwin and their granddaughters, Kyra, and Arlie, Donna would be quick to say, “There is joy in serving Jesus and others.”
- Publications: Devotionals featured in several books authored by other authors
- Frequent guest blogger for Elisa Morgan
Book, Every Mourning, 2017 Published by MPACT Communications, Plano, TX (available on Amazon or author at dlfnsl@aol.com)
Thanks to everyone who entered! Sandi Blilie is our winner!
The topic and the approach to the topic is timely for my life right now. I am walking a path of extended grief as I have 2 loved ones declining in many grievous ways. I am often saddened by attempts by others who believe their experience of grief makes them familiar with mine. I would love to be comfort d by u Dre’s tan ding and freedom to grieve as my situation warrants.
Sandy, Thank you for this honesty about how people think grief is all similar. It is truly different. It is true!
I would love to have this book, would even share with my siblings.? Grief I believe is as different as each individual.
My best friend, my rock in Christ, is struggling with the sudden loss of her 26 year old brother. He had a heart attack. It’s been so hard to watch her in such anguish. I’d love to be able to gift this to her.
It so hard to watch a friend struggle with this dark soul of the night!
What great timing as I have been processing the loss and grief, that comes in so many forms, in my own life! Looks like a wonderful book! 🙂
I would love to have this book for my neighbor who lost his wife less than s year ago.
How thoughtful Kris!
Looks like a good one!
I think you’d like it!
“Grief is a garment to be worn for a season as a cloak, but in His time as a garment of grace.”
This is a lovely reminder of how God never leaves us along the path of grieving, but works in us to bring about healing.
It is a beautiful picture, isn’t it?
We tragically lost my 13 yr old nephew the weekend after Tgiving and day after he was baptized this past November. It was the most recent and more tragic of the many losses my family has endured over our lifetime. I’d love to win the book for myself and pass it on eventually to my sister.
I am so sorry Briana. That grief is very fresh!
Doug and Donna were my youth pastors back in the mid seventies, even back then we were hit hard with grief and loss. Have gone through many different grieving times in my life – would LOVE to have her book, not just for me, but to share with others.
Yes, she is such a genuine believer in Christ!
I’m thinking this might be a good gift for a friend whose adult son committed suicide this fall…. Thanks for the recommendation!
You are welcome! Thanks for thinking of your friend!
We lost 2 parents in less than 4 months last year. The most unexpected things can trigger tears. I would love to have this book.
Yes Wilma! I think this would be a great devotional for you.
Sounds like an awesome book! Would love to have it!
Thank you Ginny!
This sound’s like something I need right now! Amazing how grief can sneak up on you when you least expect it.
Yes it can! Thinking of you!