Does It Have A Spoon?

Sep 17, 2010 | Faith

This week I received the first phone call from my daughter (twelve hours away at college) with those tears of “I want to come home.”

So, I opened up the drawer of things I have stashed to send to her each week.  Things I collect when I see something that makes me think of her.

I had her brothers write some notes to their sister (Mom, can’t I just text her?….NO!)

I sealed it in those flat rate shipping boxes and sent it off.

She texted me and I told her to look for something in the mail.

Her response was, “Does it have a spoon?”

Does it have a spoon?  Oh, right, she had asked for a spoon a few weeks ago. I forgot.  Lots of other things, but no spoon.

I chucked.  “Does it have a spoon?” says so much:

  • Will you take care of me?
  • Did you send something from home.  Real home.  Not plastic.
  • I’m your child that likes those extra things.  Like a spoon sent from home.
I told her she could buy a real spoon for like a dollar at Target.  We went back and forth as to whether you really could or not.   I know you can because 10 of our 15+ spoons disappeared last year with four kids in the house, and I bought 10 individuals at Target for a little over a dollar.

I told her I could sent her one if she didn’t want to buy one.

Her response was as expected, “Ok, send me one from home.”

Just as I expected.

There’s no place like home.

Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Anonymous

    Who wants to go and buy any old spoon at Target, she just wants that "special" spoon from home. Oh how I remember that phone call from last year, feel for you both. Hugs to you and Kaylee!Pam

  2. jj

    Oh, this is sweet!!! What a great mom you! Hope you're having a good day. Twelve hours away is a bit far to go to school. 🙁

  3. So, I Begin this Journey......

    Oh, I will never look at a spoon the same! What a sweet, but tearful post!Hugs to you and your daughter….. I will remember this Brenda…. thank you for sharing.{{Hugs}} to you too!Lis

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