I need to spend some time cleaning out my closet.
Getting rid of clothes that don’t fit.
Pulling out clothes I have no business wearing any more,
Making room for fortysomething clothes that are much more comfortable and appropriate
The process is spiritually important, too.
Like those things in our nature
or past we hold onto,
that don’t fit us anymore.
What behaviors, habits, things of our old nature
have we grown out of for our benefit?
Just like those old pair of jeans I love,
but when I put them on,
don’t flatter me anymore
Are there behaviors we “put on”
that don’t flatter us
as believers seeking to reflect God?
Just like that skirt I absolutely LOVE,
but I realize, at my age and stage,
it’s not appropriate?
Are there behaviors, habits, or gray areas
we engage in that are not appropriate
for one representing Christ?
As I grow older, I hope I’m wise enough to know what is beneficial to hold onto, what I should get rid of, and what is beneficial to put on as new, because it reflects Jesus better.
New garments consisting of praise,
a new nature, and robes of righteous.
All cost nothing to us, but are everything to Him.
And in these, we are rich.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old is gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Stop talking directly to me, Brenda; it's disconcerting. 😉
very encouraging illustration…thats certainly right..amen to that..