Have you carried a burden for a long time? For a decade I’ve been carrying a burden, waiting for either the situation to change or for me to change. God recently changed things on both sides, freeing me from a wound that was tied to my identity, a relationship, and something deep within my soul.
I’ve realized how deep the tentacles of hurt affected my life. The lifted burden has helped me walk out of the desert place of 2019. As God continues to teach me lessons from life beyond the picket fence, I want to share a few more things He’s taught me that might also encourage you. (Part 2 in this series).
7 Things God is Teaching Me
Don’t leave a situation until God releases you. When you’re ready to give up on yourself, someone else, a situation, or a relationship, always check with God. There is a release that’s from God. There is also a desire to give up that’s based on emotion or intellect, void of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Many times I wanted to give up on the situation I was in, though I knew God hadn’t released me. If I would have done so, I would have missed God’s healing. His timing is always best.
Contentment is rare. God is teaching me how to abide in green pastures, being content with His provision in all things. While I know that “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6), I see few examples of what that looks like. Even in the Christian world, we are masters at striving.
Remembering God’s faithfulness changes your perspective. I’m not talking about gratitude, but remembering where God has come through in the little things, the things He has done for you that shows that He sees you, provides for you, and knows you. Have you made a list? Do so. Keep it handy. Then deeply praise Him.
Faith is more than salvation. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior has never wavered. But God has shown me how shallow my faith has been for daily provisions and the secret things of my heart. God keeps showing me how important faith is to Him. He does this through the Bible and writings from Amy Carmichael, L. B. Cowman, and Oswald Chambers. He wants us to believe He’ll provide our everything.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is all we need. I’m learning about this gracious manager, the Good Shepherd (John 10). I’m currently reading the Shepherd Trilogy by Phillip Keller. I’m learning God nurtures us and intimately loves us. “Because the thoughts He thinks towards us are thoughts of peace and blessing, let us not hold back” is a quote I’m reflecting on and internalizing (page 175).
We think clearer when we aren’t chasing our pain.Your brain doesn’t have energy to be creative when it’s protecting you from your hurts. Deep hurts have tentacles, touching many parts of your life. I’m amazed at how free my mind is because the burden I was carrying was a dull, constant ache is my spirit.
We should ask God about everything, not just the big things. God wants a relationship with us, which means talking with Him about both the minor and major details of our lives. What should we do today, Lord? Give me wisdom with W, Y, Z. Jesus, close doors today you want to close and open those you want to open. What is prompting you to ask Him?
3 Things I’m Leaving Behind
Mistrust. A growing mistrust of media, news, even Christian leaders spilled over into my trust of God. There’s a lot of bad theology out there. When we mistrust faith leaders, it skews our perspective of God, ever so subtly. That’s from the enemy. I’m calling it out. I’m not believing the lie anymore that men reflect God. People will fail us, but God will not.
Striving. Friends, I’m tired. God wants me to rest in green pastures. But I can be restless. God’s teaching me to be content with Him in my current season. I know it’s important. Human nature says, “Don’t rest too long!” But God is teaching me the completeness of a Shepherd’s rest.
Distractions. Social media, Netflix, Pinterest…so many things distract us from God’s voice and peace of mind. I’m learning how the enemy of God loves distracting Christ followers, taking our eyes off of His daily purposes for us.
Summing it Up
Friends, I’m also learning to be open and vulnerable. The truth is that I’m human. God is always calling us to a deeper relationship with Him. I’m glad He does. He’s been calling me. I hear Him.
He’s doing the same with you. Do you hear His voice? Will you listen to Him? I’d love to hear what He’s been teaching you. Please leave it in a comment below, or email me at brenda@brendayoder.com.
News from me!
Fledge: Launching Your Kids Without Losing Your Mind is soon to be an audio book! You can get a FREE download of chapter one, You’ve Got Mom Grief now! Get it here!
Have you subscribed to the Life Beyond the Picket Fence podcast? We are starting a series on Valuing Motherhood, and you don’t want to miss an episode! Subscribe here on the blog (and get some freebies, too!) or on iTunes or Stitcher. Are you a podcast listener? Will you leave a review?
Also, I’m limiting my speaking schedule in 2020, but I still have a few openings this fall. Email me at brenda@brendayoder.com to book my for your fall retreat, MOPS group, or Christmas banquet!
Thanks Brenda! I always enjoy your insights and thoughtful theology! God’s Blessings, my friend!
Thank you so much Jene!
This is outstanding Brenda. I’m writing a new book on some of the things God “lifts” from our lives.
I tried to sign up for your blog but it kept saying “an error occurred.”
Love you and Rejoicing with You, Donna
Thank you so much Donna! I appreciate this so much! I can’t wait to read your new book! And I’ll check on the sign up!