She sat in my office with tears streaming down her face. Tough girl was having a tough day. It was supposed to be her last day of 6th grade at our school because her mom was moving in with a new boyfriend. Now her mom wasn’t sure about the relationship or the move. Her daughter was confused and a mess.
She’s not the only middle schooler whose life is affected by their parent’s choices.
As a counselor, I’ve heard middle school kids express anger, hurt, frustration and grief over their parent’s choices. Changing jobs, schools, and relationships affects a child’s life. Lifestyle choices of addiction, self-medication, lack of treatment for mental illness, violence, and other unhealthy behaviors also affect a child’s life.
Be aware of how your choices affect your kids. Your child might first respond in anger. The girl in my office first raged at her mom, but later identified frustration, confusion, and hurt as the source of her anger. When first recognizing your child’s anger, asking a few questions helps them verbalize their real feelings.
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