All flesh is like grass, the glory of man like the flowers, both of which wither and fall away. But the word of the Lord endures forever. 1 Peter 1:24-25
This verse defines 2017, doesn’t it? Each year seems to increasingly be about investing in earthly things, including ourselves. Bigger dreams. Higher goals. More followers. Bigger platforms. Bigger, more, and better.
These things will be gone in a moment by tragedy, personal choices, or the simple physics of life. We’re here today, perhaps gone tomorrow. Yet even Christians live in 2017 like we’ll live forever on this earth as we chase after more, bigger, and better. We strive to be on that mountaintop looking down at all the great things God has given us.
Such goals are contrary to God’s Word.
This year, I’m challenged to look up. To watch for the skies, to anticipate meeting Jesus any moment. This election year reminded me I look far to much to national and world leaders more than I really look to my Savior Jesus Christ.
Be honest. You do, too. In prior generations, Christians looked expectedly towards heaven, whether is was having an eternal perspective on life or looking for Jesus’ return. In a year of fear and death, I’ve realized how earthly focused the Christian faith community has become.
Such an outlook is antithetical to Scripture. As I’ve reflected over my personal 2016, in context of the national and world 2016, the verses in 1 Peter confirmed where priorities in 2017 should lie.
I’m challenged to look into God’s word to define priorities, seer my conscious, and provide life-giving truth that endures forever in a culture of faith and life that’s increasingly temporal and self focused.
I’m challenged to then look ahead, not for what God will do for me, but to act on what He’s calling me to do, each day, after looking to Him and His Word.
A life-defining quote by Chuck Swindoll sums this up: “Only two things are eternal, God’s word and people.”
1 Peter 1:24-25 is defining the priorities not only for my personal life, but also for this ministry. Over the last several months, teaching God’s Word, sharing the gospel, and pointing others to Jesus Christ has become the priority focus for my ministry as a writer and speaker.
So, I’m sharing this with you, first. While I will still write about faith, life, and parenting, it will be in context of God’s Word and the power of God and a personal relationships with Christ.
I will also be teaching more on Facebook Live from Scripture starting the week of January 9, usually around 11:00 a.m. EST. I can’t promise it will be daily, but my aim will be several times during the Monday-Friday work week. The videos will be on the Facebook page for replay so you can watch them any time.
Teaching God’s Word and drawing others to the power and relevancy of His Words is one of my greatest passions. That’s one thing to which I’m committing to do more of in 2017.
How can you join us? “Like” the Facebook page here and click “follow” so the live feeds will appear in your Facebook newsfeed. If you’re not on Facebook, I ask you to join us there anyway!
I’m ready to be serious about Jesus through being transformed by His Word in the culture of 2017. Legalism, church, laws, and politics do not bring Christ to others or Him into our lives, families, and communities. Christ does through the life-transforming power of His Holy Spirit in us, through prayer and living out His Word.
If you only had 2017 to live, what would your goals be?
This question has challenged me to look up and to invest in those things which are eternal.
Won’t you join me?