Back To School

Aug 16, 2010 | Faith

  • I could write about saying good-bye to my firstborn, the scene forever etched in my mind.
  • I could write reflections on it, but I’m ready yet.
  • I could write about our adventurous trip over the mountain and back.
  • or I could write about what life will be like now with a household of preteen and teen boys. 
But school is starting tomorrow, and my heart always is thoughtful as new school years begin.

Shiny notebooks, crisp folders and unsharpened pencils
new clothes, backpacks and shoes
excitement, apprehension
and growing up 

As a teacher, there was always the excitement of “getting back”
New ideas, plans, ready to roll at the job you love.

Students, of all ages, excited to begin
for some,
being scared to death at what the year might bring.

My heart cringes at the things some children will go through this year.
My heart swells at the impact teachers, counselors, busdrivers and staff will make on a child.
My heart is saddened at mothers sending their children off to school, whether kindergarten or college and the heartache that brings.
My heart is grateful for education offered to all children in this country.
My heart is thankful for the opportunity I have had to see children grow into the life the Lord plans for them
as a parent, teacher, and now counselor.
I praise God for the privilege to be part of this fabric in our culture
that touches eternity through the life of a child.

Jesus says, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  (Matthew 19:14)

Blessings to all involved in going back to school.

Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Janette@Janette's Sage

    Blessings on your new year…may the children see the face of God through you..what a privilege.Blessings as you adjust to this new season of your life…while still raising boys…I so know that one.I shut the door to our summer also…and still adjusting to a 60% empty nest…I don't know when we are ready for it, and yet so proud of the adults they have becomeBlessings

  2. randi

    this will be such a rich experience- for both Kaylee and the rest of your family! blessings!

  3. Justacogitating

    I just found out that, despite our talks, my arguments, my plea for his future, my stepson is following in his father's footsteps and has dropped out of highschool. His father dropped out at 17 and finally got his GED with my help before going to culinary school. His mother dropped out at 15, pregnant with her first child, and has occasionally started and re-started to get her GED but I don't believe she ever has completed it. My stepson's two half-sisters also dropped out. He would have been the first in his family to simply graduate highschool. I fear for his future. I wonder "what if" about my failed marriage to his father and my one-time musings about a possible guardianship when he was younger. I loved school. I still love school. I find it so difficult to comprehend how someone can hate it so much that they quit despite the damage it does to their future.I would have so loved to have been able to help him move into a dorm, to see him on his way to that next step in life. How exciting for your daughter, Brenda! She's at that big new beginning. God bless her.

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